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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Enlarged adenoids

My son is diagnosed with adenoids.. he suffer from snoring and mouth breathing at night and in the morning he complains of severe headache.
I have started giving him Kali sulphuricum 6x ,snoring is improved but still he is mouth breathing and is extremely tired and lazy in morning please guide something
  Mehirma on 2024-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Give ur child the prescription below,
Agraphis Nutans 30c
Belladonna 30c
Thrice a day for a week
And cell salt, kali mur 6x, 1 tablet thrice a day
drsajid 3 weeks ago
Dr my child is also complaining of headache and dizziness with jointpain .. will these medicines help?? Snoring has also returned
Mehirma 3 weeks ago
drsajid 3 weeks ago
Doctor how many drops of belladonna and agraphis??

Kali mur dose also
Mehirma 3 weeks ago
For Bella and agraphis, 2 drops of each in little water,
Kali mur 1 tablet
drsajid 3 weeks ago
The condition is same sir.. child is heavily snoring ,with open mouth and heavy breathing
Mehirma 2 weeks ago
Please help
Mehirma 2 weeks ago
Pls give ur child a single dose of Calc Carb 200c,
And then from next day keep giving the remedies u already giving
drsajid 2 weeks ago
Sir I gave him cal carb 200 ,he is getting excessive sweat on head and neck
Mehirma 2 weeks ago
No issue, do not repeat calc carb, and any nedicine, wait for 3 days.
drsajid 2 weeks ago
Sir no change in condition, child is still breathing with mouth open and snoring heavily
Mehirma 2 weeks ago
I think there is some miasmatic hurdle, now we hv to give him a miasmatic remedy dose.
Tuberculinum 200c, 5 drops in some water, only 1 dose, and from next day,
Baryta Carb 30c, 5 drops thrice a day
Cell salt,
Calc phos 6x, 3 tablets thrice a day with luke warm water
Update after 5 days
drsajid 2 weeks ago
Sir we gave him bacillinum 200 single dose two weeks before can I give tuberculinum ??
Mehirma 2 weeks ago
He is snoring and breathing heavily.. although he is not lying straight..
Mehirma 2 weeks ago
You can give tuber
drsajid 2 weeks ago

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