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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Trying to conceive, follicular study suggested, with Fertyl/Clomid

Dear Sir
It has been one and half years to my marriage, i want to conceive. I hav always had irregular or no periods for many months.I have been to a Gynae who has done tests over an year. I have some PCOD and Prolactin was hign, this was brought down and is now normal. My FSH, LH was tested over many cycles and was either 5, 7 or 7, 5 or 5,9.I have been suggested follicular study with Starting Fertyl on second day of menses, to help in egg formation, basically the problem is with less ovulation or egg not being formed. Im feel depressed since i was told to fo this, to me having a child has to be antural, not an under microscope study of today ur egg ruptures, quickly go and have sex and hope to conceive.
I am 32, i have been on diane 35 for 304years of my life. I have been on homeopathis medicines like Lycopodium, anacrdium, ignatia ans satphysgaria. Mostly anacardium. I am very fair complexioned, contipated mostly, chronic maigrain, unable to to deal with stress, and very sensitive. I get extremely angry and then feel bad about it. I was depressed as i was anxious about not getting amrried on time. I am very ahppily married now, but old fears still come up at times.
I get very thisty, go to loo very often, get headaches while asleep, quick tempered and sorry the next minute type.
Please please suggest medicine i can have for 2-3 months and conceive. I feel like a goat being led to slaughter as i dont want to get madicine and follicular study, injections what not, i have been crying and depresssed since few days ago when this was suggested by doctor to me.
Please please help. I will be eternally grateful.
  Luckyrm on 2011-11-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi there,

The following additional information is required to help you. Therefore, please do the best you can in providing a detailed and accurate data.

1. ID
2. Age
3. Sex
4. Single/Married
5. weight
6. Height Â….
7. country
8. climate
9. List of your complaints

10. Since how long are you suffering from each complaint

11. Diabetic or non-Diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt
13. Thirst
14. Tongue and Taste
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine)

16. What exactly is happening?

17. How do you feel?
18. How does this affect you?

19. How does it feel like?
20. What comes to your mind?
21. One situation that had a
big effect on you?

22. How did that feel like?
23. What sensation do you experience in that situation?

24. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand (Habits or Actions)?

25. Current and previous remedies/medicines you are taking or took in the past?

26. Family Background
27. Educational Qualifications of the patient

28. Nature of work, what do you do for living?

29. Desires, likes and dislikes for food

30. Name of foods which increase your problem

31. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatientÂ…and so on.. How are you different from other persons, public speaking or not , you can describe all of the details about your behavior, love and affections.

32. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)

33. Attached here your photographs of the affected area. (if required/optional)

34. Location of the disease
35. Side of the problem (Right or Left), (Upper or Lower part of body)
36. Color of the secretions/discharges e.g urine, stool, sputum, Saliva etc.

For Females Only
37. When is the period during the month approx date? Any monthly cycle issues? Regular, early, late, before problems, after problems, pain, any other discharges?
38. Are you pregnant? If yes, please give pregnancy start date? Any current issues?

nawazkhan last decade
Use Pulsetilla 200c 3 dose remaining one day gap between each dose. 1-2dorps a dose. take the doses in morning time before 30 min of taking breakfast.

report after last dose is taken.

I have treated this type of patients before, Don't worry its a simple case but you may have to wait 3-6 months to conceive. But to achieve ur goal u have to follow all the rules and regulations properly

Dr. Showrav
Chemist and Homeopathic practitioner and researcher
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dear Sir,The details are as follows
1. Lucky
2. 32
3. Female
4. Married-1yr
5. 69kg
6. 5feet5inches
7. India
8. summer very warm 44degree, winter months very cold, delhi winter.
9.Right now i need medicine for coneceiving, so i dont have to undergo follicular study and take fertyl, etc or injections and be asked to go have intercourse a certain day. to conceive most important problem right now for which i have been suggested Fertyl and Follicular study.,

other problems are chronic migarines started off with sun on my head, or constipation or heat, or travel or hunger. It develops into vomiting and mostly pain is half sided and also at top of my head, pain behind eyes. Constipation, acidity mostly there, if im slightly excited or nervous the constipation turns to loose motions.

also i was depressed, anxious as i got married late, and i was having anacardium, lycopodium regularily, and ignatia, staphysgaris, sepia at tmes.depression has gone after marriage as i am very happily married so emoitonally very fine. however monetary, career problem is very high on my mind and making me very nervous.

i also notice if i argue, if i get angry, if i am in traffic that makes me vervours, my whole left neck, arm down to my hands and legs start paiging internally for days.

anger, is mercurial, get very angry adn then sorry in the next one minute. i have not had very happy childhood.relationship or trust in men is less.after marriage my angre is less.

have always had avery weak liver and love sour things since childhood.

10. trying to conceive only past few months but anxious as i am 32 yrs old, frequesncy of intercourse is twice a month and husband is also diabetic(type2), under control, and high cholestrol.

miagriane, contsipation, anger, since childhood. I was born with jaundice.

left side spondylitis type pain is past 2-3 months only.

11. non diabetic

12. sour and sweet and sometimes salty
13. very thirsty all the time, finish bottles even at night during sleep.always going to the loo both for urine and stool
14. tongue and taste are fine
15. bp normal
16. i am feeling depressed and worried that i want to conceive naturally. my ultrasounds are normal show little bit of PCOD. uterus everything is normal. my periods have never been regular, lie once in 2-3 months. however before marriage i never worried about it and also to regularise was on Diane35 for 4 years almost. after my marriage i left any contraceptive pill, i took ashokarishta ayurvedic medicine and my periods started happeing every month, though sometimes they would miss or be off date. i also gained about 10kg after marriage.now we have tried only for few months however as i am 32, my husband 38 and diabetic, s the anxiousness of having a baby soon.
FSH, LH has been monitored over many cyles and is 5, 7 or 7, 5, recentmost 5, 9.Prolactin was very high as that of pregnant women, and so was prescribed madicine to bring it down, it now seems in normal range for past month.
main problem is i dont know if i ovulate at all after many years of contraceptive and i produce enough eggs? my husbands sperm count is absoultely normal.so i have been suggested feryl and follicular study =, that in itslef is making me nervous and i want to try naturally.
17. i feel anxious about this whole thing.
18.nervous, anxious, depression also setting in due to this.
19. Feels like i don want unnatural thing, feel anxious.
20. That i am in hospital doing this follicular treatment many times, its might not work, i will have to take injections and do something which sould be a happy beautiful process, in a very insipid clinical way and then god knows what kind of child i will conceive.
21. my whold childhood, father away, parents unhappy marriage, left to fend for oursleves, always let down by men and despite being evry well educated, degrees from abroad, fear or being poor in life or of living in a bad house in a bad neibhourhood.very anxious about my husband health as he is 38 and has hig diabetes and cholestrol and he earns normal, wheeras i am very very ambitious, so i feel whole burden falling on myslef for whatever status i want to ahceive in life. i have very intermittent artist career, so very anxous to find a job so i can earn and support and live the way i want to in life. i have never been able to stick to long term job, so als very anxious.

22. still feels like life is a big challenge and i have to earn my lviing underpressure wheras i would just like to sit and paint or wait for a fairy wand.

23. Feel love for my hsuabdn, feel like prtecting my self and family, feel like i must earn so i can be useful to my parents and family. Feel anxious, not confident in my career.

24.left hand mostly held limp as if i was a queen whose hand many were going to touch and bow to.

25. Anancarduim for when i feel nervous, lycopodium once a week, once a month. Sepia, ignatia, staphysgarias was given at times. This was 2 years back now. No medicine for past 2 years.

26.Good well educated, middle class family.

27, BA, MA

28. creative work

29. eat all sorts of food not fussy. lovelove love sour foods. and then sweet and salty
30 to other i seem very uppity beautiful refined person, i was always heatbroken many times before marrige, let down by men in life, anger towards father. very happy married life now, calmed down after marriage. i get very angry when opposed an then say things and feel sorry the next minute and have no qualms apologising to anyone.heat makes me irriatble, but cold weather like living in uk used to make me ill with tonsils ever month.good public speaker, not too many friends mostly with my family, cannot trust anyone much.love very purely and do everything for people i love. very ambitious and want to be very succesful but havent found the way yet.very impatient.prone to depressive sick feeling when i feel problems are coming my way. very very sensitive and highly emoitonal, get water in my eyes for very small things, publically and then get embarrased.
32. not appilcable
33 not applicable
34 reproductive area
35 dont know
36 urine- light yellow, stool light brown
37 usually 1st to 5th of the month it starts. lasts for 2-3 days.never had regular cycle.not much pain, no heavy disharge.detals given above.
38 hoping to get pregnant, thats my main problem for which i would like you to guide me.
Luckyrm last decade
Forgot ot mention i have heard -folliculinum also prescribed for ovulation? please clarify.

i am a very fair complexioned person, details i forget to mention earlier.
Luckyrm last decade
Aching legs, leg muscles which pain , and need warmth, difficulty climbing stairs is another problem i have had for long time.
Luckyrm last decade
here is ur prescription sister:

day1 Pulsetilla 200c 2drops at morning empty stomach

day2 same

day3 same

day4 no medicine

day5 no medicine

day6 Ledum Pal 30c 2drops at morning and Afternoon empty stomach

day7 repeat day6

report me after one week

after 4th day ur body and soul will calm down noticeably and after 7th day ur stair climbing problem will reduce in about 30%

eat vegetables and small fried fish more.

Hope get well soon!

keep informing me if any problem u feel during this 7 day period.

Dr. Showrav
Chemist and Homeopathic practitioner and researcher
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr Showrav
I want to ask, if this medication is for ovulating/hence coneciving and not just for my aching legs. How long will i have to continue medicine after the 7days you suggest, to be able to conceive?
Luckyrm last decade
Obviously Pulsetilla is a powerful homeopathic medicine to gynecological problems but how much time it will take to conceive ur body depends on 1st react of medicine on ur body. Graphic improvement will tell how much time ur body will need to be able to conceive.

There is no particular medicine for one problem in homeopathy but there is medicine for every body.Homeopathic medicine never cures a patient my dear sister, it is the body which cures its problems by itself using own immune system. Homeopathic medicine just guides the path of curing system to ur body. So it is a matter of ur body, how many time she takes to cure itself.

report me after taking the medicine sister.

surely u will get well soon so be brave n hope full and I assure u that after this 7 days u will observe dramatically lotz of improvement of ur body.

Dr. Showrav
Chemist and Homeopathic practitioner and researcher
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dr showrav
I started puls200 2drops for 3 days like you said.
mainly constipation increased, but the main thing is i have got my periods again.

history is that i was having periods on their own
april 2-4
after this doctor gave me arubella vaccine and put me on femella, 21day contraceptive oill for next 3 months as u shouldnt have a baby for 3 months after this vaccine.so with this medicine periods have been:
now nov 15,16,17 i had 2 drops puls200 as told by you, and tolday after having medcicine i got my periods.
dr had suggested to still be on pill till i go see for follicle study in jan but i have not taken it as i wanted the pill to no longer play with my system.

i will take Ledum Pal as suggested by you for leg ache,but please suggest now how to take pulsatilla in the coming few months, as now i dont know what to do. the dose u gave is only for 3 days, how do i continure this for few months to regularise my system.Also please not i was getting my periods, only they were irregular, my main thing has been low ovulation, and i have been on pill for 3-4 yrs , but i left it for past 1.5yr the minute i got married.
please help dr showrav, i need your further medication for next months urgently.
Luckyrm last decade
Also Dr, just to bring to your notice that i think the periods are due to pulse dose or could be also due to leaving the pill last month, sometimes when u leave the pill u can get a second round.
And i dont know yet if this is just spotting or full periods but that will be clear soon, definitely there is bleeding.
Luckyrm last decade
Pulsatilla must not be taken during periods.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear dr nawaz and dr shorav
Can one of you fully guide me. I am kind of feeling stuck as dr showrav hasnt replied, and dr nawaz u had asked for my symptoms in detail in beginning of thread to which i replied, waited but never got any recommendations from you.
please can one of u guide my fully. i dont want to ruin y health, im here as i need help and not to be stuck between whos a better doctor.
please genunely, one of you who knows how to help me with the whole problem, i earnestly ask u to help,if u cant please let me know, i would go to a local homeopath. im someone who is following instructions very religiosuly from u all but now you are confusing me.
Luckyrm last decade
dear doctor
please help me. im putting my faith in treatment offered at this forum
please help me
Luckyrm last decade

Please stop Pulsatilla 200C as it will create more problems during your period. Do you have any pain right now? Please shed more light on all discharges?

Please rest assured that I will extend help with the best of my abilities.

Many prayers for your comfort and good health.

nawazkhan last decade
the dose prescibed of pusatilla was of 3days only and then a break of 2 days them Ledum Pal for2 days for leg ache.

after 3dayson 3rd day i have got period.
from tomorrow i am on no medicine. further than this please prescribe.

aim is i should conceive soon. i have some pcod and less ovulation, whose time cannot be prdicted as periods are always irregular.

all ealrier symptoms and history of my case is on the forum page to read.

just now after puls200 i felt slight pain, likeperiod pain in my left ovary, very much like normal period pain and breasts felt fuller and constipation increased, and third days i got period.

flow is normal, not clotted, fresh, bright red, on pill it used to be brown.some mucus like red discharge which i always get.slight very light abdominal pain as awlays. these are symptoms just now. my periods anyway lasy a day or two, so will let you know how long they happen for.

please suggest further medicine. reiterate, less ovulation, pcod, taking pill for many years is problem. after i left pill periods happened.history is there on forum.

my husband is a diabetic, 38 and frequency of intercourse is very little and urge also less from bot of us sides. like once in 15days.if u can give something to increase his libido that would be a help.
Luckyrm last decade
Is your period completely over right now?
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Lucky,

Please Dont take Ledum right now.

I m extremely sorry I was absent yesterday bcs I had exams on medical board for higher study in homeopathy.

It seems that the medicine was quite perfect for u and that is starting to work so deeply in ur body that is y the medicine indicated ur 1st major problem e regular mentrual process and started to work on it. May b u had some problem in ur left ovary or it ur left fallopian tube and it is pushing it to clear the channel from ovary to uterus by clearing as ur menstrual process in repetition with in very short period of gap. Constipation may increase bcs of mild aggravation process of medicine Pulsetilla but do no worry bcs it is temporary and it will b cured automatically after a small period of time. Breast felt fuller bcs pulse can make breasts tighter when it founds that breasts are relatively a bit soft and loosen. So dont try to avoid this medicine and also dont input any new medicine in ur body in incoming 5 days.

Suggestions For U:
1. Immediately stop taking all kinds of other medicines as well as ur pills prescribed by another physicians.

2. Pls Do not take Ledum at 6th day as I said before bcs Pulsetilla is working so deeply inside u and let it finish its work. Give the medicine more 5 days to work in ur body.

3. Dont take another single dose of Pulsetilla without my farther instruction. Stop taking pulse immediately till I tell u to take a dose again.

4. Dont take Ledum at Day6 and Day7 as I suggested before. Wait for my next suggestion to take that medicine. This prescription has changed by me bcs of observing ur anatomical condition more clearly to find out the reason y u r not conceiving till now.

5. Try to b calm and in a cheerful mood always and carefully notice ur mild changes inside and outside of ur body.

U told me the changes u got majorly in ur body after taking that medicine but u forgot to tell me about ur other problems that u have before as like as pain in legs, migraine pain, sleep time headache,loo for urinate and stool, thirsty ness and all the other left side symptoms.

Stay calm and describe me ur mental conditions now. try to compare the situation with before taking Pulsetilla.

I will b online at Bangladesh time 12pm at noon. Try to get
online at that time.

Stop eating sour things and salty things.

U do not have to take any medicines for next 5 days.Just observe ur physical changes and tell me updates.

Dr. Showrav
[message edited by Dr. Showrav on Fri, 18 Nov 2011 00:42:26 GMT]
Dr. Showrav last decade

Sir I have always respected as a good doctor or a homeopathic practitioner. So u r always welcome to me to suggest any recommended medicine option if u have better than me to consider for any of my patient. I will be honored to revise on ur suggested medicines metaria medica symptoms also. But it is my humble request to u that pls do not prescribe a patient directly by ur prescription when he/she is already in my treatment process. It makes patient confused and unfaithful to a doctor as well u or me.

So it is to be considered as a harmful affect for homeopathy.

Please suggest me ur best ideas and thinking about patients and their treatment which will be helpful for me to give treatment welcomed by me but not to my patient. Because it influences confusion in the mind of a patient that he is not getting the right medicine or proper treatment.

Wish ur success always.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dear Dr. Showrav,

Sorry for any inconvenience that may have been caused. But, since you were not replying, it appeared that you flew the coupe. The patient was almost begging for help, I asked her to stop Pulsatilla during period to avoid any serious problem.

She is your patient, please take it from here.

nawazkhan last decade
Dear Dr Showrav and Dr Nawaz

I want to say i am thankful to you both. I have put my faith in homepathy and in this forum. I have always reacted very well to homeopatis treatments, when my grandfather was alive he used to do it, but these days its hard to find a good homeopath close to you, especially we are in a new suburb.
I am grateful dr showrav for recommending puls as it has definitely acted very deeply in my body.
And i am very thankful dr Nawaz as yesterday when i suddenly got my periods, it was such a shock as i had them 5-6nov on pill that i wrote immediately and in that i am thankful dr nawaz helped in telling me to stop any further doses.as this is an online forum its has its own ways, but a patients symptoms may be such that one needs dr attention immediately.

i urge both of you to guide me. i can religiously take medicines prescribed by dr showrav as he already started, and dr nawaz (like dr showrav suggests) could be kind enough to oversee the whole thing and u feel something can be bettered you can suggest. it would be good to know my case is being overseen by two of you and i feel if in emergency one is not there atleast the other can help, like yesterday.

dr showrav, my symptoms today are, very good flow, i feel my body has not menstruated like this for very long. i had less, brown smelly discharge. this time i am getting good flow in night too, they are still ongoing and its all bright red. left ovary still slight pain as if something happening there, otherwise legs etc tired as they always are during periods.i did not get headache before i got my periods, otherwise always naturally or on pill i get full 2 days migraine all day long and that to me is indication i am going to get my periods. this time with pulse there was no headache at all.

dr showrav, older symptoms , thirst remains still very thristy, migraine hasnt surfaced yet(my migraines are due to constipation, weak liver and a hyper mind), leags overall weak which i think they always are worse during periods, mentally as i said i am little better earlier i could feel depressive sick feeling in my gut, now its less but in life there are things going on like a job, our finances, the whole future weighing on me and i dont feel much like being on my own, i want to be with mother, and my husband who is also worried, i dont feel like being left with him as looking at him worried, my mind further gets sad. the whole future, trying to have a child, then to rear them, to earn, my husband not very rich background, so though i would have liked to do something i love to do, i feel big weight that i will have to do a job and earn, and my life will just go by working, travelling in traffic where i want to just go away for mediation for 15 days.thats weighs me down.
i always had weak liver as i was born with jaundice and have been prescribed cheledonium earlier, i have had a strugglesome yet protected life, lot of anger as we lived through things that were below the standard of my family.i have a love hate relatiosip with my father, had many hearbreaks ealrier.now happily married but finance is big questionmark, which makes all my fears come out.

right now short term goal to go further is to have a child and also to look for a job so finances can come under control.
Luckyrm last decade
To Dr. Nawaz Khan & Lucky,

I m well aware about my prescription and what should be the next to happen to my patient after taking the medicine I have prescribed. Thats y I asked her to wait after taking 3 doses. I know what i was doing So I never flew the coupe.

Again thanks to Dr. Nawaz Khan for his helpful contribution with wishing his success.

Dear Lucky,

I also gave u instructions to take 3 doses not more. So it seems we both of ur Dr. told the same for ur condition. So u can be relaxed in mind that ur treatment is going in a right path.

Though I also appreciate the contribution of Dr. Nawaz khan I suggest u to follow only one Dr.' s prescription. If he suggest any medicine for you I will consider that carefully and will have a review on that medicine also for ur symptoms. If it is ok thn I will prescribe that to u But U dont take the medicine by ur self before or without my suggestion.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Dear Lucky,
Thanks to you for ur present details. It seems it is developing ur whole body so rapidly. That is Very good sign of a treatment.

Wait for clearing ur present menstrual period. And dont take any dose of any medicine before my further instruction.

As the medicine working so deeply that I am so happy with it and think that u might have a good chance of conceiving after 8 day from end of ur this menstrual process. Try to have good intercourse at that time after 8th day of end ur menstrual. Choose 10th and the 12th day for intercourse as many times as u can. bcs that is the perfect time to conceive with high possibilities.

Dont be depressed or angry or nervous as it can make abortion suddenly without a warning. try to forget ur past life and be busy with ur present, try to busy with some creative work to concentrate ur mind in other activities which will improve ur mental condition. Always think that there are always problems in every ones life, So you concentrate finding out solution of ur problems but not the problems to be find.

Tell me if u have less wetness in ur vagina during intercourse or at start or last moment while doing sex?

Do u got enough feeling during intercourse?

How many time is enough for u to satisfy ur self in intercourse? Do ur husband can give that much time in intercourse?

What is the condition of ur loo type condition for both urine and stool? And ur previous acidity problem.

Whats the condition of RBC and WBC count of ur blood? are they sufficient?

Tell me details about ur constipation and food of aggravating this problem.

Tell your husband to have sex with u more frequently bcs having good time at sex helps reducing to BP level normal for a high BP patient. Tell him to skip BP medicine for that day only in which you r going to have sex with him.

Tell me if u know about Psoriasis(Kind of skin problem for longer period), Syphilis (sexual disease with saturation of puss from sexual organ)or Gonorrhea disease case in past life of any of ur blood related family members up to ur Grand parents from both side and ur husband and also of your life.

U need to collect Calc Phos 12x of German made in a quantity of 1 Ounce. That is in tablet form medicine which is a biochemical medicine for ur next treatment. It will develop er digestion and liver function and ovum condition. Improvement will show in whole body after that course without any aggravation like Pulsetilla or side effect. I will prescribe about that for system of taking that medicine after u collecting it.

Describe me my questions to you and reply me with any thing to say about ur physical changes of time to time as soon as possible.

In spite of ur taking long term Alopathyc pills and treatments its a gods blessings to u that ur body reflection and immunity system is still working in very good process. So you can be very hopeful for achieving ur goal in a very short expected time.

Eat vegetables and fruits as much as u can and try to eat 1 apple after each meal in a day.Drink water after at least 20-30 min of taking meal and dont eat in hurry and take water in mid process of eating. Chew ur food well before swallowing it. Constipation will be cleared in next 2 days if u follow this rules.

Cause of ur symptoms:

U should know about ur cause of having this huge symptoms disturbing ur body. Analysing ur body symptoms and response to my 1st medicine I have come to an inconvenience which and how ur body had built this problem. I m Describing u the damage process below for ur acknowledge to avoid further discomfort and diseases by this cause and live carefully,

U born with jaundice. Which indicates dysfunction of liver, that cause weakened ur liver in very earlier age of urs, weak liver human can never have perfect sexual development in future as u have the condition. Weak liver also can not digest food properly which is a cause of constipation. Never developing properly a sexual or a digestion organ can support u life time without causing any problem. So major process like Digestion and Ovulation and having Conceive arrived in future.In future it is trying to reach and affect on your heart, i felt it from ur symptoms of paging
left side organs due to nervousness. Nervousness increases heartbeat and pulse rate but paging left side happens when extra fast flowed blood is not matching with the speed of the flow speed of blood in right side of ur body. This indication strongly and easily shows the dis function of Heart and nerve of brain which controls and balances the body blood circulation. Weak heart doesnt supplies sufficient blood containing oxygen to brain which causes headache and other emotional imbalance for u.

I have aleady told u to collect Calc Phos which develops liver function and also functions of sexual organs to work in a natural way properly.

I think now u know about ur cause of problems, how it is working and y it is not supporting u well.

Follow my instructions very carefully to have a very good progress to ur goal of having a child.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
Thanks dr showrav, I will follow your advice fully.i will write t
In morning about symptoms u ask.medicine German make I will arrange for, no problem.
My periods still not cleared, also my half head ache is back, whole left side of head aches, aches behind the left eye, worse with movement if any kind.
Please tell if pulsatilla 200 is to be repeated foe
R next cycle of periods ?
I shall reply in detail n few hours about all sympt oms you ask for.
Thanks and putting all my hope in your treatment from now.
Luckyrm last decade
Dont be nervous. Do not need to take Pulsetilla 200c another dose. Just wait for next 4 days what happens, observe and tell me further results. Stop all medicines before ur menstrual is fully cleared. Let me know when it is cleared.

Is ur headache unbearable now or very light thn before?
Does it feels heavy of ur head in left side during the pain?
Does the pain stays always?

I can suggest u another medicine for ur symptoms of headache and all left side problems only after ur answer of the questions I asked.

Read Onosmodium, Lachesis, Causticum, Lachesis, Thiroidium and Merc sol symptoms and tell me which one is most similar to ur body symptoms?Pls concentrate in mental symptoms carefully to find common in them.

I will reply ur post after tomorrow bcs I have to go for another exam preparation tomorrow and day after tomorrow I will be online at night after attending my exam.
So dont be nervous or upset bcs of my absence of almost two days and pls use this two days to observe ur body and write the answers of my questions very much thought fully. Do not answer them in hurry, take ur time.

Take care, Get well soon
Be hope full always.

Dr. Showrav
Dr. Showrav last decade
dr showrav
i am noting my symptoms, will write in details tomorrow. i am arranging the german make medicine u asked for.long mail soon, tomorrow from me
Luckyrm last decade

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