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Suggest constitutional remedy for Self-confidence

Please suggest a constitutional remedy for my root problem: lack of self-confidence, scared of public speaking, not achieving goals (defeatist attitude) and scared of taking new challenges and responsibility.

My basic details:
a)42 year old man
b)69in. height,169lbs weight
c)Receding hairline, some gray hair and little balding from top
d)Love to eat, especially hot & spicy food. Now enjoying sweets as well.
e) Had attack of hepatitis and bcoli as teenager.
f) Foot smells when wear shoes, even though wear clean socks and take bath
g) Can't sit cross-legged on floor as I feel TOO stretched.
h) Jerk when just going into deep sleep, sometimes disturbs sleep.
i) At work, can't concentrate for long.
j) Start sweating if any NEW responsibility is given. ok with existing ones.
k) Don't feel like competing. Accept defeat even before it starts.
l) Get angry very quickly but am timid (My wife's take is I just shout at her as I can get away with it !!!). But, seriously, I'm timid.
m) Average in academics, but could be better if had the perseverence and willing to achieve the goal.

I can go on based on questions from others.
  biswajit on 2006-12-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
2 more additional points:
a) I like eating partially burnt food ... burnt rotis etc
b) A glass of alcohol makes me feel very confident indeed. Surprising, another glass of alcohol makes me the same person as if I never drank. Any more drink doesn't affect me at all !!!
biswajit last decade
Dear Biswajit,

Are you a chilly or a hot person?That is, do you feel very cold in winter or very hot in slightly warm temperature?Do you like to eat your food hot or cold or at room temperature?Do you like meat?What about your energy levels?Do you feel energetic throughout the day or is there a part of the day when you feel less energetic?

rajivprasad last decade
Hi Rajiv,
Thanks for your response. Answers to your questions are as follows:

Are you a chilly or a hot person? No, I can handle temperatures much easily than others.

Do you like to eat your food hot or cold or at room temperature? I don't like food being in extreme temperature.

Do you like meat? I like meat but am equally comfortable with veg. food. Started enjoying South Indian meals.

What about your energy levels? My physical energy level is ok (I can walk miles and play TT ocassionally). I am weak in mental level, especially if it involves long concentration with a deadline/responsibility. Nothing specific about time of day, though.

With kind regards,
biswajit last decade
I do not think Rajiv will get any clue.This is the real problem in every day practice.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Hi Rajiv,

My wife has suggested Lycopodium 200C. I'm trying to find whether she's on the right path before I take it.

a) I'm a little suspicious and being in IT, I always need a reason before I take a medicine.

With kind regards,

p.s: Sajjad's comments are valid but I'm looking upto this as a catalyst to overcome it. Why does a glass of alcohol makes me a risk taking & a thinking person ?
biswajit last decade
[Complete ] [Mind]Confidence:Want of self:

Total Drugs : 102

Drug Mark Remedy Remedy Full Name

3 Ambr Ambra grisea
3 Anac Anacardiun orientale
3 Sil Silicea; Silica terra
2 Aml-n Amyl nitrosum
2 Aur Aurum metallicum
2 Bar-c Baryta carbonica
2 Bry Bryonia alba
2 Cand-a Candida albicans
2 Chin China officinalis; China rubra
2 Dys-co Bacillus dysenteriae
2 Kali-c Kali carbonicum
2 Lac-c Lac caninum
2 Lyc Lycopodium clavatum
2 Med Medorrhinum
2 Nat-m Natrum muriaticum
2 Petr Petroleum
2 Ph-ac Phosphoricum acidum
2 Puls Pulsatilla nigricans; Anemone pratensis
2 Sac-alb Saccharum officinale
1 Agn Agnus castus
1 Alum Aluminium oxydatum
1 Am-br Ammonium bromatum
1 Am-c Ammonium carbonicum
1 Am-m Ammonium muriaticum
1 Anan Anantherum muricatum
1 Ang Angustura vera
1 Anh Anhalonium lewinii
1 Aq-mar Aqua marina
1 Arg-n Argentum nitircum
1 Arist-cl Aristolochia clematis
1 Ars Arsenicum album
1 Aur-i Aurum iodatum
1 Aur-s Aurum sulphuratum
1 Bamb-a Bambusa arundinacea
1 Bar-acet Baryta acetica
1 Bell Belladonna
1 Buth-aust Buthus australis
1 Calc Calcarea carbonica Hahnemanii
1 Calc-sil Calcarea silicata
1 Canth Cantharis vesicatoria; Meloe vesicatorius
1 Carb-an Carbo animalis
1 Carb-v Carbo vegetabilis
1 Carc Carcinosin Burnett
1 Caust Causticum Hahnemanii
1 Chlor Chlorum
1 Choc Chocolate
1 Cob Cobaltum metallium
1 Cocc Cocculus indicus
1 Dros Drosera rotundifolia
1 Foll Folliculinum
1 Gall-ac Gallicum acidum
1 Gels Gelsemium sempervirens
1 Germ Germanium metallicum
1 Graph Graphites
1 Hydrog Hydrogenum
1 Hyos Hyoscyamus niger
1 Ign Ignatia amara
1 Iod Iodium
1 Kali-n Kali nitricum
1 Kali-s Kali sulphuricum
1 Kali-sil Kali silicum
1 Lac-h Lac humanum
1 Lach Lachesis
1 Lap-c-b Lapis calcareus Burren; Lime stone
1 Lap-gr-m Lapis granitis Murvey; Granite
1 Manc Mancinella venenata
1 Merc Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni
1 Mur-ac Muriaticum acidum
1 Naja Naja tripudians
1 Nat-c Natrum carbonicum
1 Nat-s Natrum sulphuricum
1 Nat-sil Natrum silicatum
1 Nit-ac Nitricum acidum
1 Nitro-o Nitrogenum oxygenatum
1 Nux-v Nux vomica
1 Olnd Oleander
1 Op Opium
1 Ozone Ozonum
1 Pall Palladium metallicum
1 Phos Phosphorus
1 Pic-ac Picricum acidum
1 Plb Plumbum metalicum
1 Prot Proteus (Bowel Nosode)
1 Ran-b Ranunculus bulbosus
1 Rhus-t Rhus toxicodendron
1 Ruta Ruta graveolens
1 Sant Santoninum
1 Spong Spongia tosta
1 Staph Staphysagria
1 Stram Stramonium
1 Sul-ac Sulphuricum acidum
1 Sul-i Sulphur iodatum
1 Sulph Sulphur
1 Sumb Sumbulus ferula; S.moschatus
1 Syph Syphilinum
1 Tab Tabacum
1 Thea Thea sinensis
1 Ther Theridion curassavicum
1 Verat Veratrum album
1 Verb ';Verbascum thapsus hahnemanni, thapsiforme'
1 Viol-t Viola tricolor
1 Zinc Zincum metallicum

if your wife is capable of selecting, then this is the list of remedies with the order of preference for her kind consideration.

sajjadakram635 last decade
Well, Sajjadbhai is absolutely right.I did not get any clue whatsoever with your answers.I suggest that you fill the chronic case taking questionnaire which you will find at http://abchomeopathy.com/forums2.php/88858/

By the way, from the sketchy symptoms that you have mentioned till now, Lycopodium does not seem to be the remedy needed.

If you fill this questionnaire and also give your life story and personal disease history as well as the diseases that run in your family for last two or three generations, then i may be able to find your remedy.

You are also correct in being cautious.Do not take any remedy on your own.Better to be safe than sorry.

Al the best.

rajivprasad last decade
Seems closer to Silicea..but needs further confirmation through symptoms analysis.

Do you or did you have anytime white spots on finger nails??

Are you constipated??


Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Rajiv,
I took time to find your link. But got it at last. Here's my feedback:

Responses: never=not at all, rarely=hardly at all,
occasionally=to some extent, often=very much so,

(1) I get anxious before an important event.
(2) I have a strong craving for sweet things.
often=very much so,
(3) My memory is not very good
occasionally=to some extent
(4) I often have a fear of going out, or of walking over bridges, of heights or of closed
places like elevators (lifts).
often=very much so, (only heights)
(5) I often find myself walking fast, even when there is no reason to hurry.
never=not at all,
(6) Sometimes I have strong impulses to do strange or dangerous things but I do not act on them.
never=not at all,
occasionally=to some extent, (7) I feel more comfortable in cold, fresh air.
never=not at all, occasionally=to some extent, (8) I have bloating or diarrhea.
never=not at all,
(9) I worry about my own health or about the well-being of my family.
occasionally=to some extent, (10) I am fussy about cleanliness.
occasionally=to some extent, (11) When I feel anxious I pace about the room, especially at night, sometimes to the
point of exhaustion.
never=not at all,
(12) I am a terrible worrier about small things.
occasionally=to some extent, (13) I generally do not have much appetite, but I like to sip warm drinks frequently.
rarely=hardly at all,
(14) I often cannot sleep at night, or I wake up with anxiety.
occasionally=to some extent, (15) I am worse when it is cold and better when it is hot.
never=not at all,
(16) I have dry, flaky skin.
occasionally=to some extent, (especially legs0
(17) I have suffered from depression my whole life.
occasionally=to some extent, (18) I have considered suicide.
never=not at all,
(19) I feel I have to do something important with my life.
rarely=hardly at all,
(20) Failure is my worst fear.
often=very much so,
(21) Music is soothing to me.
occasionally=to some extent, (22) Generally I feel better in the summer.
never=not at all,
(23) My aches and pains feel better at night.
never=not at all,
(24) I crave open air.
rarely=hardly at all,
(25) I worry about what other people think of me.
often=very much so,
(26) I enjoy eating eggs, especially soft boiled.
often=very much so (not particular of soft-boiled)
(27) I work slowly, but I am reliable.
occasionally=to some extent, (28) I feel as if I am cracking up and won't be able to cope.
often=very much so,
(29) I often wear socks at night because my feet are cold in bed.
often=very much so,
(30) As a child, I had a larger than average head.
often=very much so,
(31) I tend to put on weight easily.
occasionally=to some extent, (32) I am troubled by nightmares.
often=very much so,
(33) I sleep with my knees tucked up to my chest.
rarely=hardly at all,
(34) I have lots of moles and birth marks.
occasionally=to some extent (new ones growing)
(35) I enjoy travelling.
occasionally=to some extent, (36) I enjoy eating chocolate.
occasionally=to some extent, (37) I am a perfectionist.
rarely=hardly at all,
(38) I love a good thunderstorm.
rarely=hardly at all,
(39) There has been a lot of cancer in my family.
occasionally=to some extent, (40) I put other's needs in front of my own.
occasionally=to some extent, (41) Injustice makes me angry.
occasionally=to some extent, (42) My voice is hoarser.
rarely=hardly at all,
(43) I am sensitive to changes in the weather.
rarely=hardly at all,
(44) I am sensitive to the suffering of others.
often=very much so,
(45) I sometimes stammer, mispronounce words, or have to repeat a question before
answering it.
occasionally=to some extent, (46) I have suffered long lasting stress in my personal life.
often=very much so,
(47) I might lose a little urine now and then, especially during coughing or sneezing.
rarely=hardly at all,
(48) I have had warts near the tip of my fingers or on my face.
rarely=hardly at all,
(49) I have been hurt deeply in love.
rarely=hardly at all,
(50) I often find myself sighing.
occasionally=to some extent, (51) I get a lump in my throat.
rarely=hardly at all,
(52) I hate to be consoled when I'm sad.
often=very much so,
(53) My muscles twitch.
often=very much so,
(54) My physical condition can change very rapidly and unpredictably.
occasionally=to some extent, (55) Emotional shock has caused many of my problems.
occasionally=to some extent, (56) I am very sensitive to pain, smells or sound.
occasionally=to some extent, (57) I am very talkative and tend to wander from one topic to another during a
occasionally=to some extent, (58) I am a jealous or envious person.
rarely=hardly at all,
(59) I am suspicious of other people's motives.
often=very much so,
(60) People describe me as an intense person.
rarely=hardly at all,
(61) I can't stand to be overheated.
rarely=hardly at all,
(62) I feel bad after waking up, either from a short or long sleep.
occasionally=to some extent, (63) I blush easily.
often=very much so,
(64) I hate clothes that are too tight around my neck or chest.
often=very much so,
(65) I don't like to speak in public, or to take on new responsibilities, but I do fine once I get started.
(66) I am reserved or aloof, and feel more comfortable keeping people at a distance.
often=very much so,
(67) I have poor self-confidence.
often=very much so,
(68) I prefer small groups of close friends rather than large social gatherings.
often=very much so,
(69) I have a low energy period from 4 pm to about 8 pm in the evening.
often=very much so,
(70) I may get sentimental and weep when someone thanks me or expresses
never=not at all,
(71) I dislike being alone in the house, yet I dislike staying in the same room with
occasionally=to some extent, (72) I frequently suffer from gas or some other kind of digestive complaints.
occasionally=to some extent, (73) I like to be near the ocean.
occasionally=to some extent, (74) My performance is erratic; sometimes very
good, sometimes bad.
often=very much so,
(75) I have had infections or discharges from my genital organs.
rarely=hardly at all,
(76) I am afraid of closed narrow places, such as elevators.
rarely=hardly at all,
(77) I remember having sexual feelings a child.
Question not understood.
(78) I tend to be lively at night, but I have a hard time getting going
in the morning.
rarely=hardly at all,
(79) I crave oranges, or sour fruit, or like to chew on ice.
never=not at all,
(80) I often have hot feet and like to stick them out from under the bed covers.
often=very much so,
(81) I find it hard to cry in public even after very sad news.
often=very much so,
(82) People talk to me about their problems, but I don't like others to console me or
make a fuss about me.
often=very much so,
(83) I am very sensitive to being hurt or humiliated.
(84) I think about past disappointments, or hold grudges for a long time.
occasionally=to some extent, (85) I feel worse in the sun or when the weather warms up in summer.
rarely=hardly at all,
(86) I get cold sores on my lips.
rarely=hardly at all,
(87) I suffer from insomnia as a result of grief or insults.
occasionally=to some extent, (88) I often have a strong desire for salty things.
occasionally=to some extent, (89) I get irritated if I can't get things done right.
often=very much so,
(90) I am bothered by sloppiness or inefficiency.
occasionally=to some extent, (91) I am an ambitious and competitive person.
rarely=hardly at all,
(92) I have a bad temper but may feel sorry about it afterwards.
often=very much so,
(93) I am irritated by loud noise.
occasionally=to some extent, (94) I feel worse in the morning.
occasionally=to some extent, (95) I often wake early, and have trouble falling asleep again.
occasionally=to some extent, (96) I tend to overindulge in food, drink, or sex.
often=very much so, (only food)
(97) I am outgoing, and make contact easily, and have lots of friends.
often=very much so,
(98) I am very sensitive to other people and also easily influenced by them
rarely=hardly at all,
(99) I am fearful of the dark, or of thunderstorms, or of deep water.
rarely=hardly at all,
(100) I readily understand other people's feelings.
occasionally=to some extent, (101) I like cold, juicy and refreshing things, like iced water or ice-cream.
occasionally=to some extent, (102) I tend to get nosebleeds or bruise easily,
or have bleeding gums.
rarely=hardly at all,
(103) I function on high energy yet I burn out easily, feeling fatigued afterwards.
rarely=hardly at all,
(104) I get tired quickly and feel better after a short sleep.
rarely=hardly at all,
(105) I long for affection and like to be hugged or held.
rarely=hardly at all,
(106) My moods and inclinations change quickly.
rarely=hardly at all,
(107) I have difficulty making decisions.
often=very much so,
(108) When I have a problem, I feel better if I can talk to someone about it.
rarely=hardly at all,
(109) I dislike the fat on meat, or other fatty, greasy things.
rarely=hardly at all,
(110) I have pain or discomfort that changes locations frequently.
occasionally=to some extent, (111) I have nasal congestion (catarrh) which is worse in a hot room.
occasionally=to some extent, (112) I am sensitive to the cold, but I dislike hot, stuffy rooms, and often need
fresh air when others are comfortable.
occasionally=to some extent, (113) At times I lose affection for my family and friends.
often=very much so,
(114) I have very little interest in sex.
occasionally=to some extent, (115) I say nasty things to my family and then feel guilty for doing so.
often=very much so,
(116) I do not like to be cold.
often=very much so,
(117) When I am depressed, I prefer to be left alone.
often=very much so,
(118) I feel better after dancing, intense exercise, or listening to lively music.
never=not at all,
(119) I feel nauseated from the smell of cooking, or lose my appetite completely.
rarely=hardly at all,
(120) I have suffered from sluggish digestion or chronic constipation.
rarely=hardly at all,
(121) I am afraid of sharp objects.
never=not at all,
(122) I have low self-confidence, give in easily, and lack courage when it comes to standing up for myself, or to speaking in public.
often=very much so,
(123) I have difficulty making up my mind, because I get caught up in the details, rather
than seeing the big picture.
rarely=hardly at all,
(124) I feel tired or rundown, but still push myself to finish things.
occasionally=to some extent,
(125) I tend to develop scar tissue after injuries or surgery.
occasionally=to some extent,
(126) My hands are cold and sweaty.
occasionally=to some extent, (127) My nails break easily and/or my hair is fine in texture.
never=not at all,
(128) I get infections easily.
occasionally=to some extent, (129) I hold in my anger or sometimes don't even realize I'm angry until
several days later.
often=very much so,
(130) I get angry about mistreatment of me by other people.
often=very much so,
(131) I have had styes in my eves.
not understood.
(132) I tend to fantacise or dwell on sexual matters.
occasionally=to some extent,

(133) I sometimes masturbate to fall asleep at night.
often=very much so,
(134) I tend to itch all over my body.
rarely=hardly at all,
(135) My bladder gives me problems.
rarely=hardly at all,
(136) I feel sleepy during the day and sleepless at night.
rarely=hardly at all,
(137) I am intelligent and imaginative, and I can turn useless things into something useful.
often=very much so,
(138) I tend to be messy or untidy.
often=very much so,
(139) I have strong opinions and enjoy discussion and debate with others.
often=very much so,
(140) I am outgoing and sociable.
often=very much so,
(141) I like to eat spicy, rich food.
(142) I don't like to stand for long periods, and I prefer to slouch in the nearest
chair or couch.
often=very much so,
(143) I often feel too hot; even in winter, or I have dry burning skin.
rarely=hardly at all,
(144) I feel thirsty.
occasionally=to some extent,
(145) I feel fragile like I am made of glass.
rarely=hardly at all,
(146) I feel phoney or artificial or as if I am hiding something - people wouldn't like me if they knew what I am like.
rarely=hardly at all,
(147) I am secretive.
often=very much so,
(148) I hate onions or onions really upset my system.
rarely=hardly at all,
(149) I have warts or I used to have many warts.
occasionally=to some extent, (150) Some of my health problems started after vaccinations.
don't know.
(151) My perspiration is sweet smelling or offensive.
Neither sweet nor offensive.
(152) I have dreams of falling.
occasionally=to some extent,
biswajit last decade
Hi Rajiv,

Answers to specific questions:

life story : I've been an average person with no real ambition. Moved from Science to shipping to bank to technology ... but never excelled or wanting to excel. Single child of parents on transferable job.

personal disease history: Except for a bout of hepatitis & bcoli, I've had no special diseases. I've small lumps in my body which comes and goes. This has been like for last 30 years.

Family History: Parents are of good health. Maternal grandmother died of cancer. Others died normal death. My maternal cousion suffered from epilepsy. My paternal side consists of 15 uncle/aunt. 3 of them have died due to cancer.

With kind regards,

Hi Pankaj,
Answer to your questions:

Do you or did you have anytime white spots on finger nails?? Yes, while I was a teenager. Not there now.

Are you constipated??


With kind regards,
biswajit last decade
Dear Manoj,

I went through your answers.You may need more than one remedy in a correct sequence for complete cure.

You should start with Calcarea Carb. 1M one dose and report after 15 days of taking the remedy.A dose is two drops or 2-3 globules of the remedy.

This will help you on many levels, both physical and mental.But it may not eliminate the mental problems completely.For that we will need to follow up with other remedies in future.

rajivprasad last decade
If anyone has a simple cure or treatment for shyness or other similar problems then they would be able to make a fortune. There is a huge demand for such simple cures.

Either that or change the world significantly.
robot last decade
Hi rajiv,
Thanks for your prescription. I'm also ready for the long haul. However, before I start, I'd like to know what are the overbearing traits that you found in me which led to you to decide the way you did.
I would be interested before starting on it.
I do hope you will not take it otherwise.
With kind regards,
Biswajit M.
biswajit last decade
Dear Manoj,

It takes time to explain all this and also to read 150 odd answers and decide upon a remedy.One does it for free on a forum like this out of a spirit of service.I suggested what i had to.It is now for you to choose whether you want to go along with it or not.

But in brief, these are the things that indicate Calc. Carb.Your head being of a larger size than average as a child, feeling cold in the legs for which you sometimes have to wear socks, the easy going nature (lack of ambition which you have emphasised again and again), desire for eggs, tendency to put on weight easily, feeling of failing somehow in the tasks entrusted, and many other things.

It is a deep anti-psoric remedy and may take away all your anxiety along with a host of your physical tendencies.Do not ask many other questions about remedy choice because i won't answer them.I am very busy at the moment.But in case you take it, keep updating and i will keep guiding.

All the best.

rajivprasad last decade
Hi rajiv,
First of all, I'd like to thank you for rummaging through the data and provide a remedy. I appreciate you providing the service.
Hope you understand why I'm trying to double-check. Its chiefly because of the fear of the unknown.
With kind regards,
Biswajit M.
biswajit last decade
Hi rajiv,
I've taken Calc carb 1M today. I'll report my progress 15 days from now.
Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays and a prosperous 2007 and beyond.
With kind regards,
Biswajit M.
biswajit last decade
Dear Manoj,

I wish a happy New Year to you too.Keep me updated.

rajivprasad last decade
We should have got a report from Biswajt as to how good the treatment was.

Yet she has not been here since 23/12/06. Why?
robot last decade
well done sajjad your letter dated 21.12 2006
purdaysee last decade
Hi Rajiv,
Its about 15 days from my taking the dose. I'd say I've not found any appreciable change in my confidence level. Please suggest the next course of action.
With kind regards,
Biswajit M.
biswajit last decade
just a comment this remedy; is deep acting and can take up to 60 days
alangail1 last decade
Dear Biswajit,

Yours is a chronic case and hence we are not expecting miracles so to speak.What we are aiming for is slow but steady improvement in your overall feelings of 'being' and health.The anxiety will reduce gradually with time as you stay with the treatment provided we find the correct remedy/remedies.

First of all, tell me if this remedy has made any impact upon your physical, mental or emotional symptoms or not?For example, do you still feel like wearing socks in your bed because of chilliness of your feet, do you still have nightmares with the same frequency after this remedy, what about your other symptoms?Are they in any way effected?It may include your food cravings, your mood at home and workplace, general sense of energy or the quality of your sleep etc.

Once we administer a remedy, we do not know at what level it would start to operate first and then move gradually to other levels.Also Calcarea is a very deep and long acting remedy, so as long as it has started some positive action, we should be patient.

rajivprasad last decade
Dear Rajiv,
Appreciate your reply. Allow me to elucidate further.
1) I did not need to wear socks since I took the medicine (though it could be the winter here has been exceptionally warm here). The bad smell in my foot when wearing my shoes whole day has reduced.
2) The nightmare has reduced but a new problem has cropped up. Whenever I seem to enter the deep sleep zone, I wake up again due to anxiety (bad thoughts) and then take about 1-2 hours to go to sleep again. But after that, sleep is ok without bad dreams.
3) I seem to be less irritable at home but that may be also due to less confrontation situation and my New Year resolve to stay calm. No change in workplace though.
4) Regarding food cravings, it remains the same. Yesterday night, not finding any sweet, I mixed powdered milk with sugar (after having a sumptous dinner !!!).
5) I've increased my time in front of the TV and computer, which I think is due to avoid/confront the world.
Please do let me know any further information. I'm ready for the long haul. Do I need to cut down on coffee intake as somebody told me it could be an antidote for homeo medicine?
With kind regards,
Biswajit M.
biswajit last decade
Dear Biswajit,

The first two or three points of yours are clear indicators that the remedy has started working.It is one of the big three polychrests of homeopathy and acts very deeply and powerfully.It is good that you are prepared for the long haul.

Now regarding the reasons/theories that you gave as the reasons for amelioration in some symptoms, i would like to make an observation.I hope you don't mind.

You said that you are getting angry less often at home now.May be it is due to the New Year resolution.Do you really believe what you said?If it is true then you could take a resolution and wish away your anxiety.It is not so simple.Isn't it?The reduction in the need for socks, the smelly feet, the nightmares plus the anger all point to the fact that the remedy has started working.Wait for one month since the day you took the dose and then report with your symptoms.

If you stay for the long haul, i promise to stay with you.

Happy New Year to you.

rajivprasad last decade
Hi Rajiv,

Your point is well taken. Obviously, New year resolution is not solving it (though I wish I was so strong !!!). That's why I'm into this. I'll let you know my symptoms again at the end of 1 month taking the dose.

Does taking coffee harm the effect on the medicine ?

Appreciate your help.

With kind regards,
biswajit m.
biswajit last decade

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