Repertory listing

Head; pain, headache; Cramping

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Head; pain, headache; cramping; 2acon., alum., am-m., 2ambr., anac., ang., 2ant-t., ars., asaf., calc., carb-v., cina., colch., 2coloc., croc., eug., gels., 2ign., kali-c., mag-m., mez., nit-ac., nux-v., olnd., petr., 2ph-ac., 2plat., psor., ran-s., rheum., sep., squil., stann., teucr., thuj., verb., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; early morning, after rising; mag-c.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; evening; alum.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; better rubbing forehead; thuj.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; from suppressed catarrh; 2acon.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; from study and exertion, after shivering fit; gels.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; after stress; mag-c.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; extending to cheek bone; bell.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; forehead; aeth., bell., croc., ign., 2plat.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; forehead; above root of nose; arn., bell., spong.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; forehead; as if would lose senses; 2acon., 2ign.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; back of head; am-m., 2camph., dios.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; back of head; in small spot; am-m.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; back of head; stooping; camph.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; side; bell., phos., sars., thuj.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; side; right; bell.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; side; left; phos., thuj.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; side; left; cold, crampy; phos.

Head; pain, headache; cramping; Temples