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Chelidonium Majus - T.F. Allen

Celandine, Chelidonium, Chelid, Chelidon, Chelidonin, Chel.
Available in 4X-30X, 3C-30C, 200C, 1M-10M from $6.59
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HPUS indication of Chelidonium Majus: Diarrhea
Common symptoms: Diarrhea, Dizziness, Nausea, Vomiting.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Chelidonium Majus in traditional homeopathic usage (by T.F. Allen), not approved by the FDA.



(Morning), After rising, anxiety.

on waking, fretful, etc.

after rising, dizzy, etc.

heaviness of head.

on rising, headache. pain in forehead.

at 4 o'clock, headache in forehead, etc.

after rising, headache in forehead.

on waking, eyes swollen, etc.

on waking, burning of eyes, etc.

on waking, pain in eye.

after rising, burning in lids, etc.

eyes foggy, etc. eye agglutinated.

on waking, burning itching in lids.

on waking, sight dim. stopped coryza.

on waking, stopped coryza.

on waking, blood from nose, etc.

pain through incisors.

taste of blood. on waking, irritation in throat.

on waking, sore throat.

affection of throat. at breakfast, less appetite.

immediately after rising, urging to stool.

hoarseness. after waking and on rising, cough.

much cough. on waking, pressure upon chest.

at 4 o'clock, oppression of chest.

at 4 o'clock, stitches in side.

palpitation. on waking, pain in nape of neck, etc.

soon after 4 o'clock, drawing in back, etc.

on waking, at 4 o'clock, pain in scapula.

on moving, pain in small of back.

on rising, stitches in region of kidneys.

after rising, weariness of the limbs.

on rising, pain in left arm.

immediately after waking, cramp in fingers.

weariness. on waking, weariness, etc.

after uneasy sleep, weakness.

spots on face. on waking, chilliness, etc.

at 4 o'clock, heat in face.

sweat. during sleep, sweat.

on waking at 4 o'clock, sweat.

general sweat.

(Afternoon), Pain more continuous, etc.

out of humor, etc. confusion of head, etc.

towards evening, confusion of head, etc.

from 3 to 3.30 o'clock, dull head.

headache. towards evening, headache.

towards evening, dull headache.

pressive headache. at 4.30 o'clock, heaviness in forehead.

on stooping, pain in forehead.

towards evening, headache in forehead.

pain in forehead. stitches in parietal bone.

tension in side of nose.

at 5 o'clock, redness of face, etc.

towards evening, toothache.

tearing in left teeth.

tearing from ear into teeth.

towards evening, irritation of throat.

towards evening, pressure in pit of stomach.

while writing, during inspiration, and while bending the body, stitch in side.

pain in hepatic region.

till 6 o'clock, pain across umbilicus.

from 3 to 4 o'clock. pains in navel.

at 1.30 o'clock, moving, etc., in intestines.

pressure, etc., in abdomen.

pain above pubis. dragging, etc., upon rectum.

diarrhoea. pasty stools.

from 4 to 9 o'clock, pain in kidney.

turbid urine. towards evening, pressure in region of larynx.

towards evening, paroxysms of coughing.

dyspnoea. pains in chest.

at 6 o'clock, oppression of chest.

at 1.30 o'clock, beatings under top of sternum.

ribs painful to touch.

about 1.30 o'clock, pain in side of chest.

at 2 o'clock, stitches in side of thorax.

palpitation, etc. towards evening, attack of palpitation.

at 1 o'clock, periodic palpitation.

pain in neck, etc. towards evening, pain into lower ribs.

pain in cervical vertebrae.

while sitting, tension in side of neck.

pain in back, etc.

drawing between shoulders.

while sitting, stitches between shoulder-blades.

pain in shoulders, etc.

during rest, stitches in shoulder-joint.

tearing in shoulder. swelling of legs.

pain in hips. while sitting, burning in calf.

at 3 o'clock, sticking in instep.

on waking, increased warmth, etc.

towards evening chill, etc.

towards evening, arms, etc., colder.

towards evening, cold feet.

towards evening, burning above eyebrow, etc.

weariness, etc. stitches in skin, etc.

drowsiness. chills, etc.

at 4 o'clock, attack of chill, etc.

at 6 o'clock, shaking chill.

chilliness. at 4 o'clock, chilliness, etc.

at 5 o'clock, chilliness.

at 6 o'clock, chilliness.

at 1 o'clock, sensation of coldness.

on drinking water, sensation of coldness in intestines.

cold sensation along ribs.

shivering down back. at 5 o'clock, increased warmth.

at 1 o'clock, warmth of body.

great warmth, etc. agreeable warmth.

at 4 o'clock, sensation of warmth, etc.

fever. at 2 o'clock, flushes of heat in face.

towards 4 o'clock, heat in cheeks.

(Evening), During and after sleep, fancies.

anxiety. pressive headache.

pain in forehead. pressure in temples.

occiput painful. at 7 o'clock, sensation in eye.

when reading by artificial light, pain above eye.

pressive pain in left eye.

from 6 to 8 o'clock, pain in left side of face.

after going to bed, pain in upper jaw.

swollen lips. after going to sleep, pain in jaws.

in bed, pain in upper teeth.

at dinner, all food tastes bad.

no appetite for supper.

thirst. passage of much flatus.

pains in walls of abdomen.

cutting in abdomen. pain above pubis.

urging to stool. bronchial catarrh.

pain around thorax. in bed, oppression of chest.

after lying down, palpitation.

drawing in back. pain in left scapula.

at 8 o'clock, pain in last lumbar vertebrae.

in bed, on motion, pain in lumbar vertebra.

drawing, etc., upon shoulder.

stiffness of wrist. when walking, pain in knee-joint.

on walking, pain in lower legs.

tension in calf. drawing in left lower leg.

in bed, pain in toes. from 10 to 11.30 o'clock, general excitement of body.

restlessness. stitches in skin.

yawning. shaking chill.

while lying in bed, shaking chill, etc.

at 8 o'clock, chilliness.

at 10.30 o'clock, chilliness.

about 7 and 8 o'clock, chilliness, etc.

coldness. lower extremities stiff with cold.

after lying down, heat.

heat in face. burning in face.

(Night), Crying out.

crying. anxiety, etc.

stupefaction. on frequent waking, confusion.

headache. in bed, before going to sleep, beating in temples, etc.

dizzy heaviness on top of head.

occiput feels heavy.

pressure in eyelids. pressure in jawbone.

toothache. in bed, before going to sleep, throbbing in throat, etc.

diarrhoea-like stools.

paroxysms of cough, etc.

at 11 o'clock, while urinating, asthmatic attack, etc.

on waking, chilliness, etc.

dry heat. sweat.

(Motion), Pain in palate, etc.

pains in chest. pain in side.

stitches in side of thorax.

pains in left side. pains in left chest, etc.

pains in cervical vertebrae.

pain in back. pain in vertebrae.

pain below left scapula.

pain in lumbar vertebrae, etc.

pains in region of kidneys.

pain in sacrum. pain in right shoulder.

pain in knee-joint..

Chelidonium Majus condition passes off spontaneously in also it three hours, leaving only the dull pain in the lumbar region, which continues till night.

lachrymation in the open air, without any other sensation in the eyes.

and finally, but only now and then, some itching and a slight smarting at the orifice of the urethra, as if from constant urging to urinate, which, however, was not felt (after six hours),.

Heaviness in the head, extending to the right side of the head, whence a rheumatic drawing extends into the right side of the neck, then through the arm into the wrist, affecting both of the injured fingers.

this rheumatic drawing also affects the whole right side of the chest but does not involve the lung, but seems to be seated in the flesh.

is not aggravated by breathing,.

About midday, a red spot, as of herpes, on the sternal region, where the day before there was only a burning pain, which now becomes more intense, without altering its character.

a little later the same kind of feeling, but still without redness, is experienced in various very circumscribed portions of the shoulders, trunk, and arms (these annoying symptoms last all through the proving), (third day),.

Severe compressing pain deep in the chest, noticed on stooping low down.

this pain seems rather in the region of the bodies of the vertebrae.

it does not affect respiration, but is so violent that stooping cannot be endured.

on the third day the same pain is felt after rapid walking, violent blowing of the nose, sneezing, or when stooping, and is then felt more externally along the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae.

not affecting respiration (second and third days after 100 drops),.

Sticking-jerking pains somewhat to the right of the lower portion of the sternum, extending straight through to the back, aggravated by motion and inspiration.

the pains in the chest are aggravated by bending the body forward.

the pains in the back are aggravated by bending backward.

the pains in the chest are relieved by frequent eructations, and are accompanied by great restlessness (fifth day),.

About 1.30 P.M., a dull deepseated pain in the whole right side of the chest, and in the corresponding shoulder, without cough, but with difficult respiration this pain, which is accompanied at times by dull throbbing in the chest, does not allow of deep breathing.

it is not much increased by moving the arms.

is chiefly felt at the axilla and beneath the scapula (fourth day),.

Much cough, especially in morning.

cough racking, as in consumption, with much expectoration coming from deep in lungs.

the cough could not be prevented by changing the position after waking, since the rattling in the chest increased.

expectoration in large quantities, difficult to loosen.

during the first days the paroxysms of cough, with pain behind sternum, occurred especially at night,.

Great sensitiveness to smoking, to which I had been accustomed.

it produced the tobacco cardialgia, which I had not had for several years, and then only when chewing tobacco.

this cardialgia increased so much through the night that it awoke me from sleep, with burning pain and acidity rising from the stomach.

this lasted two weeks,.

Urine deposits a slightly grayish-yellow flocculent sediment.

the vessel is covered with reddish-yellow crystals of uric acid (from the urine of yesterday standing over night), the urine passed this morning is turbid like that of yesterday.

towards noon it also deposits a grayish-yellow sediment with crystals of uric acid.

the urine passed shortly before dinner is less turbid.

that passed in the afternoon is clear (ninth day),.

Violent pains in the right shoulder-joint.

whence they have extended from the scapula.

if she attempts to move the arm she finds that she is unable to do it, because it gives rise to a sensation as if the arm were broken.

with this the right arm is quite cold and stiff.

the pains extend from the shoulder to the wrist.

they gradually disappear during the forenoon (seventh day),.

Constant restlessness in all the limbs, which compelled her to move.

she endeavored to stand still, but she was obliged to keep stepping and moving the arms.

the sensation that impels her to this is indescribable.

she is obliged to walk back and forth for several minutes, after which she could again stand quietly.

she had a similar attack five days before (after taking the tincture) while sewing, which she had been unable to describe clearly.

she was obliged to rise constantly and walk about, after which the uneasiness in the limbs soon disappeared,.

In the evening while sitting upon the sofa, although she had pains in the head and chest, she was constantly obliged to rise and walk about.

she could not for the world remain sitting.

she grasped the forearm with the hand, and clasped her hands together.

during this attack she could not think or speak of her condition.

after a few minutes, during which she walked about the room, she was obliged to sit down again.

during this muscular restlessness she felt no pains in the chest or head.

afterwards the pains returned.

at first she attempted to remain sitting, but was obliged to rise to her feet (fifth day),.

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(Forenoon), On coming from the open air into the room, headache; towards noon, pressive headache; headache in occiput; sensation in eyes.; bleeding of gum; urging to stool, etc.; at 8 o'clock, thin stool; at 9 o'clock, pain in angle of scapula; tearing in upper arm; sweat on upper part of body.

(Noon), Symptoms generally returned, except chill, etc.; after dinner, tearing in forehead; semiliquid stool.

(Before midnight), In bed, restlessness; uneasy sleep; awoke frequently.

(Midnight), Pain in chest, etc.

(After midnight), Oppression of chest, etc.; towards morning, many dreams, etc.; sweat.

(Open air), Pressive headache; shaking chill.

(In bed), Pain behind and above ear; passage of much flatus.

(Beer), Heat of head; waving in brain, etc.

(Bending thorax towards left side), Pain between right ribs.

(Bending arm), Pain in elbow.

(Bending knee), Drawing in knee.

(Bending body backwards), Pain in back.

(Bending body forwards), Pains in chest.

(Blowing nose), Pressive headache; pain in chest.

(Breathing), Choking sensation in throat.

(Chewing), Pain in teeth.

(On closing eyes), Vertigo; surging, etc., in ears.

(Coughing), Pressive headache; stitches in head; hearing vanishes; pain in abdomen; stitches in thorax; soreness in lung.

(After dinner), Immediately, vertigo, etc.; difficult breathing; on inspiration, pressure on chest; weariness.

(Drawing abdomen together), Pains in abdominal walls.

(After drinking), Chilliness.

(After eating), Immediately, cutting in intestines.

(On expiration), Oppression of chest.

(Indoors), Cough.

(Inspiration), Sensation in fauces; pains in chest; pain behind sternum; pain in sternum; stitches in region of heart; pain in scapulae; pain about angle of scapula; stitches below scapula.

(Deep inspiration), Pain in pit of stomach; tension about base of thorax; pains in ribs, etc.; stitches in side of thorax; soreness in left lung; painfulness of neck.

(Lamplight), Pains in eyes.

(On looking up), Aching in eyeballs.

(Lying down), Tension, etc., in zygoma; pain in epigastric region; immediately, sweat.

(Moving head), Pain in cervical vertebrae.

(On moving eyes), Aching in eyeballs.

(Moving mouth), Toothache.

(Moving arm), Pain in sacrum; pressure in shoulder; pain in deltoid muscle, etc.

(Pressure), Pressure in stomach; cutting in epigastric, etc., regions; pain in cervical vertebrae; sore pain in vertebrae; pain in lumbar, etc.; vertebrae; pain in metacarpal bones.

(Pressbng on gum), Pain in back teeth.

(Pressing tongue against left side of palate while swallowing), Pain in fauces.

(Raising arm), Especially the right, pain in neck.

(Reflecting), Dizziness, etc.

(Rest), Pain in shoulder; pains in joints of lower extremities.

(On rising), Vertigo, etc.; headache.

(On rising from bed), Vertigo, etc.

(On rising from chair), Pain in hip.

(On rising from stooping), Fluent coryza; pain in back.

(Rubbing), Burning in eyelids, etc.

(Scratching), Pain in spots on skin.

(Sitting), Stitches in side; kind of paralysis, etc.; pain in ankle.

(Sitting bent), Pressure in back.

(On sitting up in bed), Vertigo.

(During sleep), General sweat.

(Smoking), Cardialgia.

(Sneezing), Pain in chest; soreness in left lung.

(While speaking), Pain in teeth, etc.

(Attempting to step), Cramp in sole.

(Stepping), Pain in knee.

(After stool), Constriction of anus.

(Stooping), Pressive headache; pain in chest; pain in back.

(After supper), Pain in parietal bone.

(Empty swallowing), Stitches in tonsils.

(When taken up and carried), Child cries frequently.

(Touch), Pain in temple; pain in face; pain in pit of stomach; pain in angle of scapulae; pain in shoulder, etc.; pains in thighs.

(Turning head), Drawing pain in neck.

(On waking), Heaviness of head; dryness of throat; sweat.

(Walking), Ringing in ear; sensation in stomach; difficult respiration; palpitation; stitches in lumbar region; pain in thighs; pain in knee; pain in hollow of knee; ankle painful.

(Fast walking), Headache in vertex; pain in chest.

(Warm food), Toothache.

(Warmth), Stopped coryza; toothache.

(While writing), Hands tremble.


(Towards evening), Symptoms disappear; improvement; all symptoms except confusion of head disappear.

(Evening), All pains except headache disappear; on waking from a nap, headache.

(Open air), Relief; feels well; indolence, etc.

(Bending body forward), Pain in small of back.

(Standing bent over), Pain in anus.

(Closing eyes), Headache; sensation across forehead; sensation in eyes; pain in eyes; pain in left eye.

(Cold air), Toothache.

(Cold water), Toothache.

(Grasping calf), Cramp in sole.

(After dinner), Symptoms relieved.

(Eating), Headache between eyebrows; sensation in stomach.

(On becoming erect), Pressure in back.

(Eructations), Nausea; pains in chest; pressure in stomach.

(After evacuation), Of a light colored, etc., stool, general relief.

(Lying down in bed), Nausea.

(Lying on left side with legs drawn up), Pain in stomach.

(Lying on stomach), Pain in kidneys.

(When lying on the part), Stitching in right temple disappears.

(Passage of flatus), Pain in stomach.

(Pressure), *Tearing in forehead.

(Rubbing), Sensation in hand; pain from wrist to finger.

(Rubbing soles), Headache.

(Scratching), Itching of skin.

(After supper), Pains in ribs cease.

(Swallowing), Pain in fauces.

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Disinclination to speak,

Mind calm and serene throughout the proving, excepting while the chest symptoms lasted,

Anxiety, lasting till evening (one hour after 30 drops),

Anxiety, so that she was obliged to loosen the clothes about the chest, lasting half an hour (fourteenth day),

Attacks of anxiety in the room, with sensation as if sweat would break out on the forehead (fifth day),

Ill-humored, and constantly dissatisfied with my surroundings,

Apathy (third day),


Feeling as if stupefied (first day),

Rubbing the soles of the feet restored her to consciousness; but she did not feel the rubbing; continued rubbing of the soles relieved the headache (after seven hours),

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Confusion and Vertigo.

Confusion of the head and vertigo, in the afternoon (second day),

Vertigo, tendency to fall forward, on rising from bed,

Slight vertigo,

Dizzy heaviness in the forehead,

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General Head.

Rush of blood to the head, lasting several hours,

Dull, confused heaviness of the head, in the morning,


Headache at night, with violent pains in the left temporal region (seventh night),

Contractive headache,

Sticking pain in the head and shoulders,

Headache in the forehead, extending into the nasal bones,

Pressive pain in the forehead, extending to the parietal bone, in the evening (fourteenth day),

Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead, lasting a short time (after two hours),

Throbbing in the temporal arteries, with headache,

Pressive pain in the occiput, lasting a quarter of an hour (eighth day),


The hair becomes matted for four fingers' breadth behind the right ear (thirteenth day),

Soreness of the upper part of the scalp, with heat on the top,

Outer head

Itching in the occiput, disappearing on scratching, and returning at 1 P.M.,

Itching on the right side of the occiput, relieved by scratching, at 5 P.M.,


Pressure on the top of the head, extending to the right side of the forehead and to the left side of the occiput,



Pressure over the whole forehead (after one hour and a half),

Sensation in the forehead and temples, as from a band, lasting till noon, returning again at 7 P.M. (tenth day),

Violent tearing stitches in the left frontal eminence (after three hours and a half),


Drawing in the temples (after two hours),

Sensation of compression of the temples (after two hours),


Heaviness in the occiput (after twenty minutes),

Great heaviness in the occiput, with drawings in the neck from above downward,

Drawing through the left side of the occiput (first day),

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Sensation of heat in the left eye, with sticking in the canthus (after half an hour),

Pressure in the eyes and orbits, worse on moving the eyes, with sleepiness, as after a wakeful night,

Tearing pain in and above the eyes (fifth day),


Flickering before the eyes, which rendered vision indistinct,

Brow and orbit

Tearing pain above the left eye (after a quarter of an hour), (second day), ; (after half an hour),


Twitching and blinking of the lids, with lachrymation (after a quarter of an hour), (second day),

Rubbing of the upper eyelid against the ball, on moving the lid or ball (second morning),

Pain just above the left lid (fourteenth day),

Burning in the margin of the left upper lid (third day),

Stitches on the inner side of the left lower lid,

Lachrymal Apparatus.


Whites of the eyes dirty yellow,

The white of the eye is of a dirty yellow color (fifth day),



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Thick earwax, whitish like mush,

Tearing from the right cheek-bones to the ears and around the ears, extending thence to the upper part of the occiput along the lambdoidal suture,


Burning of the ears,

Stitches and noise in the left ear (second day),

Pressure in the right meatus anditorius, with ringing,


Hearing vanishes while coughing; it seems as though some one were holding the hand over the right ear, lasting a long time (after three-quarters of an hour),

Ringing in the left ear,

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Yellow color of the face, throat and chest, lasting more than eight days,

Remarkably yellow color of the face, especially of the forehead, nose and cheeks; the general appearance of the face is that of jaundice (fifth day),



Redness and heat in the cheeks,

The usual redness of the cheeks has a mixture of yellow, of a dark color (fifth day),

Drawing pain in the right malar bone,

Pressure in the upper jaws,



Burning pain in the right upper and lower jaws, which extends into the cheek, and the right half of both lips, with some stitches back and forth, frequently alternating, worse in the evening after going to sleep,

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Much mucus in the nose, so that I was obliged to change handkerchiefs during the day),


Pains in the nasal bones,

Soreness in the nose,


Sneezing twice (after one hour and a half),

Fluent coryza, lasting several days,

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General Mouth.


Gums and teeth

Teeth and Gums.

Sensation of heat in the teeth (after five minutes and half an hour),

Toothache increases, and does not disappear at all, destroys the appetite, is worse during the night, extending to the forehead and temples, together with sensation of heat in the forehead; the pain is periodic, and extends into the left ear. The pains were so severe that I was obliged to take Arsenicum Album Arsenic 30th,

Drawing pain through the left upper teeth (third day),

Drawings through the upper incisors,

Awoke toward midnight, with violent pain in the back teeth and left upper jaw, extending to the left meatus and left arm (fourth day),

Frequent bleeding of the gum during the forenoon,

Tongue thickly coated yellow, with red margin, showing the imprint of the teeth (fifth day),



Mouth constantly full of stringy mucus (fifth day),



Slimy tongue,



Slight acid taste upon the tongue (third day),

Bitter taste in the mouth, but a natural taste while eating and drinking (after two hours),


Great dryness of the mouth, so that the tongue almost clings to the palate (after one hour and a half),

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Twitching in the throat,


Dryness of the back part of the throat and of the palate (soon),

Burning in the throat on day),

Oppression of throat, as if compressed (first day),

Rawness of the throat, not noticed when swallowing, lasting a long time (after a quarter of an hour),

Uvula and Tonsils.

Fauces, Pharynx, and Oesophagus.


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Rush of blood to the chest, lasting several hours,

The pains in the chest increased in severity till 9 A.M., after which they diminished (second morning),

Constriction of the chest, as from a coat of mail (fifth day),

On inspiration, it seems as though something were pressing on the chest, after dinner,


Pain in the forepart of the chest (after one hour),

Drawing pains in the lower portion of the sternum, extending towards the right side of the spinal column (third day),


Pain in the ribs of the right and left sides, on bending the thorax to that side (after half an hour),

The seventh and eighth ribs of both sides are painful to touch, and feel, on every inspiration, as if they had been injured; worse on the right side, where it is also more continuous than on the left (eighth day),

Stitches in the right side, ; (after a quarter of an hour),

Stitches beneath the right ribs,

Pains drawing back and forth in the left side and back (fourth day),

Stitches in the lower part of the left thorax,

Wavelike pain in the left side of the chest (after one hour and a half),


Oppression of the chest, with short breath,

Rapid breathing, with eructations five times, after which breathing became more quiet,

Difficult respiration, especially when walking, without cough,

Sudden asthmatic attack while urinating, at 11 P.M.; he is only able to breathe short and with great exertion, with anxiety as if he would suffocate; followed by nausea, which was relieved by eructations of air, with difficult breathing, even after lying down in bed (second day),

Larynx, Trachea, and Bronchi.

Sensation of swelling of the larynx, with oppression of the larynx and air-passages (after ten minutes),

Pain in the cartilage of the larynx, with sensation as if the throat were swollen externally in the region of the larynx,


Cough and Expectoration.

Paroxysm of coughing, towards evening,

Dry cough, at long intervals (third day),

Heart and pulse


Heart's Action.

Beating of the heart and pulse not perceptible (after seven hours),


From the fourth to the fifth day, a slight (permanent) increase in the frequency of the pulse and the tired feeling in the limbs, and a little heaviness,

Pulse 68, with increased warmth of the whole body, at 5 P.M.,

Pulse 50, irregular (after seven hours),

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A red areola around a small scab on the nates reappears, and becomes dark red,

Eruptions, Dry.

Red, elevated, inflamed pimples, with a spot in the centre, as if a small boil would form; disappeared after a few hours, in the middle of the forehead (second morning),

Red pimples on the chin (fourth day),

Eruptions, Moist.

Small blisters, with red areola, near the corner of the mouth (third day),

Eruptions, Pustular.


Sticking sensation here and there in the skin, with constant sensation of coldness, especially in the hands and feet,

Burning pain in the skin of the cheek near the ear (first day),

Transient crawling in the forehead,

Itching of the outer ear, relieved by scratching (after three-quarters of an hour),

Itching on the abdomen,

Itching of the second joint of the left middle finger,

Itching in the sole of the right foot,

Burning-itching on the anterior side of the left hip-joint (after ten minutes),

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Stiffness of the neck (after five minutes, one hour and a half, and four days),

Stiffness of the neck on moving the head, with painfulness on deep breathing,

Pain in the right cervical muscles and in the region of the right clavicle (ninth day),

The neck feels broken on raising the head,

Sensation in the neck and in the scapulae as if the bones would be torn from their places,

Back in General.

Drawing in the back, in the evening (second day),

Sharp sticking near the spine in the middle of the back,


Pains in the right scapula, on waking at 4 A.M., aggravated by inspiration, and also on moving the right arm; after rising the pains extended around the right side of the chest, and caused an oppression of the chest; after dinner the pains disappeared till 2 P.M., after which they became worse until evening (sixth day),

Pain on the outer margin of the left scapula (after a quarter of an hour), (second day),

Drawing pain between the scapulae, extending down to the small of the back (first day),

Pressive pain in the left scapula, in the evening,

Stitches beneath the right shoulder-blade,

Stitches just below the right scapula, on every inspiration,


Labor-like pains extending over the lumbar vertebrae, over the hips, and down into the abdomen,

Dull stitches in rapid succession in the left loin, more towards the back (after ten minutes),


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Increase of appetite, ; (first day),

Increased appetite morning and noon, lasting several weeks (second day),

Appetite better and fresher than before the proving,

Very unusual appetite, so that I ate almost a double portion, and drank some glasses of beer,

Hunger greater than usual before eating (after one hour and a half),

Great hunger, which could scarcely be satisfied (soon after 30 drops),

Unnatural sensation of hunger (after half an hour),

Milk was more grateful to her than ever before (after seven hours),

Longing for vinegar and other sour things; vinegar tastes less sour than usual (fourth day),

Diminished appetite, ; (sixth day), ; (seventh day),

Less appetite for breakfast than usual (second day),

Little appetite (second day),

Loss of appetite, ; (after half an hour),

Loss of appetite the whole day (fourteenth day),

Complete loss of appetite,

No appetite for supper for six days (twelfth day),

She was unable to take anything except water during the day till evening (second day),

Aversion to cheese (ninth to thirteenth days),

Disgust (70 to 140 drops), ; (10 to 60 grains),

Slight disgust,


Thirst (after three hours), ; (first day),

Thirst, for half an hour in the evening (fourth day),

Some thirst (second day),

Much thirst, ; (fifth day), ; (fourth day), ; (sixth day),

Great thirst for cold water, which constantly returns after being satisfied,

Longing for acids (second morning),

Longing for wine (ninth to thirteenth days),

Great desire for wine, which caused neither rush of blood to the head nor headache, as it usually did when taken in similar quantity (third day),

Diminished thirst,

Aversion to coffee (fourteenth day),

Eructations and Hiccough.

Eructations, ,

Eructations always after taking,

Eructations the whole day (first day),

Eructations continue until going to sleep (first day),

Eructations in the afternoon, at one time with heartburn, which soon disappeared,

Eructations twice in the night, so bitter that they made her shiver, followed by continual bitter taste (second night),

Eructations, which afford relief,

Eructations, with heartburn,

Eructations, with yawning,

Many eructations, followed by chilliness (after one hour),

Frequent eructations until evening,

Frequent eructations, whereby the pains in the chest are relieved (fifth day),

Eructations seldom,

Empty eructations, ; (after three-quarters of an hour),

Eructations of air, , ; (after ten minutes), ; (after a quarter of an hour), ; (after twenty minutes),

Eructations of air the whole day (second day),

Frequent eructations of air, ; (after half an hour and second day),

Frequent eructations of air, with relief of the pain in the stomach,

Many eructations of wind (fourteenth day),

Sourish, or saltish-bitter, or bitter eructations,

Eructations tasting of the breakfast (after one hour and three-quarters),

Eructations tasting of juniper berries (after half an hour),

Hiccough (after twenty minutes),

Hiccough (after one hour and a half, and frequently),


Heartburn, and great weariness,

Heartburn; disappearing immediately after another dose of 3 drops,

Stomach, Objective.

Distension of the epigastric region,

Gurgling in the stomach, as though bubbles of air formed, burst, and afforded relief (after one hour and a half),

(Milk porridge, which usually did not digest easily, did her good to-day), (second day),

Needs to eructate without being able to accomplish it,

Anxiety in the stomach,

Hollow sensation in the stomach,

Sensation of hollowness and emptiness in the stomach, similar to excessive hunger, with exhaustion, while walking,

Warmth in the stomach (after three-quarters of an hour),

Increased warmth in the stomach (after one hour and a quarter),

Agreeable warmth in the pit of the stomach (after twenty minutes),

The warmth of the stomach disappears and returns after three-quarters of an hour,

Sensation of warmth in the stomach,

Sensation of coldness in the stomach (after half an hour),

Sensation of coldness in the stomach, with some distension, as if cramp in the stomach would follow,

Pain in the stomach,

Pain in the stomach, with sensation of distension,

Pain in the stomach, with eructations (fourth day),

Pain in the stomach, lasting an hour, with eructations of air, relieved by lying upon the left side, with the legs drawn up (fifth day),

Pain in the pit of the stomach,

Pain in the pit of the stomach, and opposite in the back,

Violent pain in the pit of the stomach, as if the stomach were constricted, in bed,

Burning in the stomach, with eructations (soon after taking),

Tensive pain in the pit of the stomach, on deep inspiration (after five minutes),

Contractive sensation below the epigastric region (after one hour and three-quarters),

Contractive sensation in the stomach, with qualmishness (after one hour),

Cramplike pain in the epigastric region, on lying down (after ten minutes),

Spasmodic pain in the pit of the stomach,

Spasmodic pain in the right side of the pit of the stomach,

Digging pain in the stomach,

Digging pain in the epigastric region, continuing until after eating,

Peculiar sensation in the stomach, as of gnawing or digging, relieved after eating (first day),

Pressure on stomach, , ; (after one hour),

Pressure in the stomach, lasting several hours, increased by external pressure (after three hours),

Pressure in the stomach, as from a dull body, increased by external pressure (soon after 20 drops),

Pressure in the stomach, with accumulation of gas in it (second day),

Pressure in the stomach, alternating with pain, extending to the nape of the neck, forehead, and temples,

Paroxysmal pressure in the stomach, lasting several hours (two hours after 20 drops),

Pressure in front of the stomach,

Pressure in the pit of stomach (after ten hours),

Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with oppression of the chest and difficult breathing, toward evening (eighth day),

Oppressive pressure in the pit of the stomach,

Pinching pressive pain in and below the pit of the stomach, increased by touch (after three hours),

Drinking water causes heaviness and pressure at the stomach,

Pressive pain in the epigastric region,

Pressive pain in the stomach, relieved by eructations of air, lasting an hour (sixth day),

Oppression of stomach (10 to 60 grains),

Oppression of the stomach; this oppressed sensation extended up into the chest as far as the clavicle (first day),

Oppression and anxiety in the stomach (immediately),

Oppression of the stomach, with eructations, which relieved the oppression (after ten minutes),

Oppressive pain in the upper part of the epigastric region,

Cutting in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour),

Cutting in the stomach, while yawning, at 1 P.M.,

Violent cutting in the epigastric and umbilical region, aggravated by pressure, lasting two hours (second day after 50 drops),

Sticking in the right side of the stomach (after one hour and three-quarters),

Stitches in the epigastric region,

Stitches in the pit of the stomach, then in the back, then in the right, then in the left cheek,

A sharp stitch in the left side near the pit of the stomach, in the afternoon while writing, during inspiration, and on making the body erect (first day),

A sharp painful stitch in the pit of the stomach, which extends through the body to the back, at 5.30 P.M.,

Severe stitch in the pit of the stomach,

Cramplike throbbing in the pit of the stomach, which caused anxious respiration (after five hours),

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Pain in the stomach, relieved by passing flatus (sixth day),

Trembling in the abdomen and passage of flatus,


Nausea rises from the stomach, together with slight griping, and warmth in the epigastric region (after three hours),

Nausea, with eructations (soon after taking),

Qualmishness, almost nausea, in the stomach (after half an hour),


Nausea and Vomiting.


Pain through the hypochondria, and in the right scapula (after five minutes),

Pain in the hepatic region, which soon extended downward and across the umbilical region through the intestines; it felt as though the abdomen were constricted by a string (after half an hour),

Stitches in the region of the liver,


Griping in the umbilical region, then cutting in the abdomen and across the right lumbar region, extending to the back (after five hours),

Pains transversely across the umbilicus, as if the abdomen were constricted by a string, in the afternoon till six (third day),

Sensation of constriction transversely across above the umbilicus (third day),

Cutting in the intestines just above the navel (first day),

General Abdomen.

Dull rumbling in the abdomen (after one hour and a half),

Passage of much wind with the usual stool in the morning (second day),

Tension across the upper portion of the abdomen,

Pressure in the abdomen and urging to stool, without diarrhoea,

It seemed to her as though all the intestines were torn out of the body, on which account she lost her senses (after seven hours),

Hypogastrium and Iliac Regions.

Pressure in the abdomen just above the pubis (seventh day),

Pinching pain in the left inguinal region (after nine hours),

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Periodic dragging and pressure upon the rectum, as if she must go to stool, without result, in the afternoon (third day),



Several thin stools in quick succession, of he natural color, at 8 A.M. (third day),

Two pasty stools (first day),

Thin, pasty, bright-yellow stools (three times within an hour), (third day, morning),

A copious, liquid, bright-yellow stool, with much mucus, without pain, on rising (second day, 100 drops),

Stool lighter colored than usual (second day),

Pasty, bright-yellow stools, ; (sixth day),

Stool thin, pasty, bright-yellow, as in young children (fifth day),


A hard stool, with pressure, in the evening of the third day, the first time since taking the drug,

Constipation; the stool passed in small hard lumps like sheep-dung (for two days in succession),

No stool (first day), ; (fourth day), ; (sixteenth day),

The anus feels swollen during, and sore after the stool (sixth day),

Itching in the anus and rectum (nineteenth day),



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Bladder and Kidneys.

Pressure upon the bladder and frequent urination (second day),


Burning in the orifice of the urethra, lasting a quarter of an hour (half an hour after three drops),

Urging to urinate twice in half an hour, with cramplike pain in the urethra (in half an hour),

Sudden urging to urinate, twice in quick succession (after a quarter of an hour),


Amount of urine apparently increased (second morning),

Renewed discharge of foaming urine (after four hours),

Urine dark-yellow, clear, in the morning (eighteenth day),

Acrid, sour smell to the urine (fifth day),

Urine turbid on passing it, dark brownish-red, like brown beer, frothing at the edges of the vessel, in the afternoon (eighteenth day),

Urine stains the diaper dark-yellow (second day),


Redness and heat of the scrotum; here and there on both sides elevation of the epidermis by yellowish, fluid-like, flat blisters, from the size of the head of a pin to that of a small bean, painful to touch (second day),


Slimy discharge from the vagina the whole day, coloring the linen yellow (first day),



Frequent unusual erections (fourth day),

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Extremities, limbs


Jerkings in the arms and legs,


Sticking and drawing in the left index finger, on the lower side of the left great toe, and on the lower end of the left ulna; the skin on these places pains as if burnt (after one hour and a half),

Upper extremities

Feeling of weakness in the right arm, frequently intermitting (after half an hour),


Pain in the shoulders, neck, and arms, extending to the wrists; these pains attack especially the left side; they appear in the afternoon, and are more persistent than in other provers (fifth day),

Pain in the right shoulder very violent, more violent when the arm is at rest (after 150 drops),

Paralytic drawing in the right shoulder,

Tearing pain in the right shoulder,


Paralytic pressure in the left upper arm (after two days),


Burning pain at the tip of the left elbow (after nine hours),


Stitches in the left forearm above the wrist,



The hands and forearms are oedematous and more swollen than on the previous day (fourth day),

Stitches in the left hand,


Violent drawing in the joints of the thumb (third day),

Stitches in the right middle finger,

Pain, as from a blow, in the second phalanx of the left ring finger,

Lower extremities


Weakness of the legs,

Drawing pain in the right leg and through the left lower leg (first day),



Pressive pain in the middle of the right thigh, in the rectus femoris (after half an hour),


The knees knock together, while standing and walking (after twelve hours),

Pain in the knee-joints (after two hours), ; (fourteenth day),

Boring pain in the right knee and forepart of the ankle,

Pressive pain in the left knee and left lower leg (half an hour after 30 drops),


Sensation of paralysis and coldness in the lower legs, lasting until evening (first day),

Drawings in the calves (fifth day),



Pain, as from a blow, in the lower portion of the left metatarsus,


Pain in the right third toe,

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Shivering throughout the whole body, with unchanged warmth of it, without thirst (after three hours),

Shaking chill in the evening, lasting a quarter of an hour,

Chilliness in general (ninth day),

Chilliness, after drinking (fifth day),

Coldness of the whole body (after seven hours),

Feeling of coldness in the nose (after half an hour),

Creeping shivering from the neck down the back, in the afternoon (fourth day),

Cold hands (after two hours and three-quarters),

Cold feet towards evening (third day),


Heat over the whole body (after a quarter of an hour),

He is warm all over; he feels the warmth over the epigastric region (after four hours),

Sensation of increased warmth through the whole body (fourth day),

Much heat in the head (after two hours),

Heat and burning in the ears, forehead, the tip of the nose, and cheek-bones,

Heat of the face continues for half an hour (after three hours),

Heat in both cheeks, for half an hour, towards 4 P.M. (fourth day),

Burning in the left lumbar and sacral regions (after a quarter of an hour),

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Sleep and dreams


Frequent yawning, ; (half an hour), ; (third hour), ; (first day), ; (second day), ; (fourteenth day),

Frequent yawning, with pain in the sternum, just above the pit of the stomach,

Great sleepiness an hour after dinner (second day),

Fell asleep sooner, and slept more quietly than usual (curative effect?), (first day),


Loss of sleep till after 11 o'clock,

Very uneasy sleep, with constant waking, with excessive sweat, which appeared during sleep and continued in the morning, even on waking,


Many dreams at night, not remembered (second day),

Dreams of falling and bloody wounds,

Dreams of being buried alive,


Sweat during the night, especially towards morning,

Awoke in the morning with general slight sweat (third day),



(Insensibility and numbness of the whole body, as from apoplexy, with trembling and unaltered pulse),

Feels extraordinarily well, with lively mood (fifth day),

General sick feeling, ; (fourth day), ; (tenth day),

Discomfort of the whole body (after one hour and a half),

Great discomfort; he feels unwell, without knowing what is really the matter; he is obliged to lie down, without being able to sleep, and is discontented with everything,

General sensation as of Influenzinum influenza, from which he had formerly suffered (fourth day),

Wandering pains in all parts of the body,

Wandering pain in the upper extremities, in the forehead, in the sides of the nose, and in the superior maxillary bones (one hour after 30 drops),

Rheumatic pains, now in the right, now in the left side of the body,

Rheumatic symptoms in all parts of the body (to which he had formerly been subject),

Drawing throughout the whole body,

Drawings in the whole body, lasting three hours, and gradually disappearing towards noon,

Drawings in the head, teeth, toes, and shoulders,

Rheumatic drawings in the right upper half of the body, shoulders, upper and forearms, wrists,

Drawing pains in the whole body, with fluent coryza,

Drawing pain in the left upper jaw, left nostril, left eye, left meatus, left temple, left half of the neck, left scapula, and left ankle (fifth day),

Drawing rheumatic pains here and there the whole day,

Tearing and sticking here and there the whole day, but worse in the right leg, extending from above downward,

Some transient needle-like stitches alternately in various places, now in one hand or one arm, now in one foot, now the knee, in the abdomen, etc.,

Bruised feeling over the whole body, as after a long march,

Feels as if bruised, on moving about (after one hour and a half),

The pains are not severe, last only a short time, change their locality, and return to the first place by noon (second day),

Pains remained the whole day (third day),

If the pain attacks any new part it leaves the previous one (after ten minutes),

The symptoms disappear very soon,

The symptoms disappear almost immediately after leaving off the medicine,

Symptoms disappear during the ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth days, but return on the fourteenth day,

The symptoms generally returned at noon after eating (except the chill, instead of which there was internal heat, with internal burning between the chest and shoulders),

In the afternoon the pain is more continuous and spasmodic,

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Indolence of the whole body, with uneasiness,

Inclination to lie down, without being sleepy and without being able to sleep,

Great weariness, ; (after one hour and a half and second day),

Weak, while walking in the open air; while sitting he felt weak only in the limbs (after half an hour),

Was obliged to eat a more hearty breakfast than usual in order to relieve the sensation of exhaustion, and great hunger through the whole proving,

Continual inclination to move about from place to place (fourth day),

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