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Kalium Citricum

, Kali-ci.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Kalium Citricum in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Citrate of Potash. Potassic Citrate. K3C6H5O7. Solution. Trituration.

The Citrate of Potash has been used in solution (eight to ten grains to a wineglass of water) to assist the action of the kidneys in sufferers from Bright's disease who were under the absolute skim-milk dietary. It has also been used in the same way, in old-school practice, as a solvent for gouty concretions about joints. K. cit. has not been proved, but "Agricola" (H. W., xxv. 446) has recorded the effect of a large dose given by an allopath to a patient suffering from suppressed kidney action after Influenzinum influenza. In three days the kidneys acted freely, but these new symptoms were set up Tympanites.

constant flow of mucus from anus.

awful gastric and abdominal pains, "as if a machine were at work inside, skinning the inside of the stomach and the whole length of the intestinal tube." Flatus was constant and in great amount, producing a pain of its own, which was a prominent feature. This pain as if machinery were at work inside recalls a pain of Nitric Acid Nit. ac.


Bright's disease. clinical

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Kalium Citricum is not available to buy over the counter.
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