Search results for ARRHYTHMIA

Below are search results for ARRHYTHMIA in the shop, the remedy finder, and the forum. Remedy indications are in accordance with traditional homeopathic practice and have not been reviewed by the FDA. If symptoms persist, consult a medical professional. Minor symptoms can sometimes be a sign of a more serious underlying condition.

  Results for ARRHYTHMIA in the remedy finder

The remedy finder gathers a detailed picture of your symptoms and uses that to show you which homeopathic remedies fit your symptoms.


- User Entered Condition.

The following symptoms have been entered by a visitor under the name of arrhythmia. The symptoms below are unlikely to be exhaustive, and may include symptoms not related to arrhythmia. You should enter all your other symptoms in addition to ticking any of the following symptoms which apply.

vertigo, dizziness;

vertigo, dizziness; must lie down;

vertigo, dizziness; painful;

vertigo, dizziness; trembling;

respiration; difficult;

respiration; difficult; on taking a deep breath;

respiration; difficult; breathing out;

respiration; difficult; while sitting;

chest; heart; palpitations; irregular;

chest; heart; palpitations; trembling;

chest; movements in and of chest; trembling; heart;

chest; movements in and of chest; trembling; heart; on climbing steps;

chest; movements in and of chest; trembling; heart; comes on suddenly;

chest; movements in and of chest; trembling; heart; while sitting;

chest; movements in and of chest; twitching; region of heart;

chest; pain;

chest; pain; heart;

chest; pain; heart; comes on suddenly;

chest; pain; heart; while sitting;

chest; pain; region of heart;


chill; with pain;

chill; after stool;

perspiration; with difficulty breathing;

generalities; faintness, fainting;

generalities; faintness, fainting; with heat, then coldness;

generalities; faintness, fainting; periodical;

generalities; pulse; irregular;

generalities; pulse; irregular; on slight physical exertion;

generalities; pulse; irregular; while lying on back;

generalities; pulse; irregular; after stool;

Top symptom matches for arrhythmia

Genitals; female; period; Irregular

Chest; heart; palpitations; Irregular

Generalities; pulse; Irregular

Respiration; Irregular

Fever; Irregular stages

Fever; comes on suddenly; Irregular

Cough; from insufficient breathing; Irregular breathing

Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; Irregular movement

Chill; periodic, recurring; Irregular

Mouth; teeth; Irregular formation of lower teeth in a child with mesenteric disease

Chest; movements in and of chest; Feeling of irregularly rising and falling (fluctuating)

Eye; pupils; Irregular

Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; movement of fingers; Irregular

Mouth; growths, blisters, swellings; ulcers; edges elevated; Irregular

Fever; stages of chill, heat and sweat; Sweat with heat, followed by dry heat, irregularly intermingled with chill

Extremities, limbs; movements and positions; movement of upper limbs; Irregular

Genitals; female; pain; labour pains; Irregular

Throat; membrane, exudation, diphtheria, etc.; Irregular

📖   Results for ARRHYTHMIA in the Materia Medica:

Boger > Kalium Carbonicum > General > general

Boericke > Canna > General > general
...stric irritability. Arrhythmia. Mitral and tricuspid regurgitation...

H.C. Allen > X Rays
Three years ago proved Uranium nitrate. Up to that time had never missed a regular menstruation, but it has been irregular ever since. Had not menstruated for six months till after taking X-ray, when it was almost prostrating.

T.F. Allen > Amica
at first irregular, it soon became thready and evaded the finger. He experienced and unendurable praecordial anguish.

T.F. Allen > Amica
...the patient complains of suffocation, an...

T.F. Allen > Coal Tar Product - Amidobenzene
pulse extremely small and irregular. The only pain of which he complained was in the head and chest. He recovered under the free use of brandy, ammonia, chloric ether, and cold affusions to the head, and mustard sinapisms on legs and thighs.

T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
2.15 P.M. Tingling or slight stinging sensation in the fingers and toes, as when the circulation is impeded. Pulse 80, small and irregular; artery seems to roll under the finger, and requires considerable pressure in order to be correctly counted.

T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
7 P.M. Shooting pain in the left anterior inferior triangle of the neck, near the clavicle; aching pain in the left forearm, left hand, and right humerus. Pulse 74, full, and nearly natural, but rather weak and irregular.

T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
right malar region, right external malleolus, thenal eminence of right thumb, left malar region. Pulse 84, small and somewhat irregular. Occasional shooting and aching pains along the right humerus and right thumb.

T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
12.30 A.M. Pulse 74, full, soft, and slightly irregular.

T.F. Allen > Green Dragon
...Note. -The proving was continued through...

T.F. Allen > Cornus
68, irregular (after seventy-five minutes).

T.F. Allen > Homeria
...and when, at 5 o'clock, assistance a...

T.F. Allen > Allioni
...At the date of this occurrence I was abo...

Boericke > >Remedy shown to professionals only
...A state of prostration bordering on a ty...

Boericke > Nitrobenzolum
...Mir bane. Dark, black blood, coagulates ...

Boericke > Cactus
...Acts on circular muscular fibers, hence ...

Boericke > Digitalinum
...Comes into play in all diseases where th...

Boericke > Ferrum Magneticum
...Camph., Puls. and Bry failed to relieve,...

Boericke > Ferrum
...Best adapted to young weakly persons, an...

Boericke > Glonoinum
...Great remedy for congestive headaches, h...

Boericke > Hydrocyanic Acid
...One of the most toxic agents known. Conv...

  Results for ARRHYTHMIA in the Forum

TopicPostsStarted byLast Post
Arrhythmia 5meharban Ahmad24th Aug 19
Arrhythmia and chest tightness 1akpt197810th Mar 21

indigestion/bloating/flatulence/angina/bradycardia/arrhythmia/dizziness 3Male423rd Feb 18
Heart Arrhythmia 2CBarber14th Aug 13
Arrhythmia 9Joaniekins24th Oct 12
Arrhythmia 2Mustafa78613th Jan 11
Homeopathy International 1

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