Repertory listing

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; Sole

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Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; aesc., ail., all-s., aloe., alum., am-c., 2ambr., 2anac., ars-s-f., ars., arum-d., aur-m., bar-c., bell., berb., bov., 2calc-s., 1calc., 2canth., 2carb-s., 2carb-v., 2caust., 2cham., chel., clem., coc-c., 2cocc., 2coloc., cop., croc., crot-h., crot-t., 2cupr., dulc., eup-per., fl-ac., 2graph., guare., hep., jal., kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-n., kali-p., 2kali-s., kreos., lac-c., 2lach., 2lachn., 2lil-t., 1lyc., mag-c., 2mag-m., 2manc., 2mang., med., merc., merl., mur-ac., myric., nat-a., 2nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., 2nat-s., nux-v., ox-ac., petr., 2ph-ac., 2phos., phyt., 2plb., 2puls., 2sang., sec., sep., 2sil., squil., stann., 2sul-i., 1sulph., tab., tarax., tep., 2zinc.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; morning; ph-ac., phyt., zinc.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; morning; in bed; hep.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; afternoon; gels., ol-an.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; evening; berb., 1lach., lyc., mag-m., merc., nat-c., 2phos., zinc.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; evening; after scratching; am-c.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; night; aloe., bar-c., 2calc., 1cham., fl-ac., 1lach., lyc., mag-m., nat-s., petr., 2ph-ac., 2sang., sil., 1sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; night; putting them to the ground; mur-ac.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; night; palms and soles; 2lach.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; when in bed; canth., 1cham., hep., 2ph-ac., 2plb., 2sang., 1sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; better bed; nat-c.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; cold to touch; 2sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; after eating; sil.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; during period; carb-v., petr.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; sick with headache; 2sang.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; while sitting; anac., carb-v., lyc., mur-ac.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; after standing; carb-v., merc., sul-i.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; in summer; vesp.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; while walking; carb-v., coc-c., graph., kali-c., lyc., 2nat-c., 1sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; while walking; in open air; hep.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; while walking; after long sitting; 1sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; burning; foot; sole; better walking; ol-an.