Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; Sole
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; 2alumn., ammc., 2anac., aphis., asc-t., aster., aur-m-n., bar-c., 2bell., cact., caust., cham., cic., colch., coloc., com., con., crot-h., cupr., 2hep., hyos., ign., 2kali-p., led., mag-c., nux-v., sars., sil., sulph.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; morning, in bed; sulph.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; evening; com.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; cramp-like; cact.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; rheumatic; jatr.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; on stepping; mez.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; better walking; cupr.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; extending to thigh; spong.
Extremities, limbs; pain; pulling; foot; sole; extending to toes; aur-m-n., jatr.