Repertory listing

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; Hip

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Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; ail., 1ars., bell., bry., calc-p., 2calc., 2chel., cinnb., 2ferr., form., lach., sabad., 2sulph., thuj.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; right; chel., sabad., sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; right; when rising from a seat; chel.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; evening; 2ferr., 2sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; evening; 7 p.m.; form.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; night, before falling asleep; 2sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; coughing; caps.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; better movement; sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; tearing, extending to leg; colch.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; better walking; 2ferr.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; extending into abdomen; chel.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; extending to calf; thuj.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; extending down femur; 2sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; extending to foot; 2caps., lach., sulph.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; extending to knee; 2caps., 2nux-v.

Extremities, limbs; pain; shooting; hip; Extending into joints