Extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; toes; first toe; Tip of toe
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; toes; first toe; tip of toe; aur-m-n., bry., carl., coc-c., colch., 2con., 2led., mez., nat-s., olnd., par., 2ran-s., sep., stann., sulph., zinc.
Extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; toes; first toe; tip of toe; burning; sep.
Extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; toes; first toe; tip of toe; pulsating; zinc.
Extremities, limbs; pain; stitching, sudden, sharp; toes; first toe; tip of toe; while sitting; 2con.