Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; Extending to other parts
View page in remedy finderExtremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; to ankle; bry., indg.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; downward; 1alum., 2bar-c., bry., canth., indg., 2lyc., merl., nat-c., nat-s., op., thuj.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; to toes; 2alum.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; to hip; caust., mur-ac., nit-ac., puls.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; to crest of hip; sulph.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; to lumbar region; fago., stront.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; to thigh; chin., nicc.
Extremities, limbs; pain; tearing; knee; extending to other parts; upward; caust., 2chin., dulc., fago., fl-ac., mez., mur-ac., nat-c., nicc., nit-ac., phos., puls., spig., stront., sulph., zinc.