Head; movements in head; Shaking sensation
View page in remedy finderHead; movements in head; shaking sensation; acon., aloe., 2am-c., anac., ant-c., ant-t., arn., 2ars., asar., aur., bar-c., bell., benz-ac., bufo., 2calc., cann-i., carb-v., caust., chel., cic., cinnb., cocc., cop., crot-h., cub., elaps., eupi., fl-ac., glon., graph., grat., 2hyos., ign., indg., kali-c., kali-p., lact., led., lith., 2lyc., 2mag-c., mag-p., mag-s., 2mang., merc., mez., nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., op., pall., petr., ph-ac., phos., plat., plb., rhod., sars., sep., 2sil., sol-n., 2spig., stann., stront., sulph., tab., verat., verb., viol-t., zinc.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; against frontal bone; aur.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; worse air; aloe.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; when climbing steps; lyc.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; during chills; ars.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; worse cold; nux-m.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; during cough; ant-t., chin., hep., 2lact., mag-s.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; worse after eating; nux-m.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; better heat, except that of bed; nux-m.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; during period; ant-c., cic., cinnb., cub.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; on movement of head; arn., cic., cocc., lact., lyc., mag-c., nux-v., sol-n., 2spig.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; on movement of head; on lying head down; aloe.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; when rising from stooping; lyc.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; on speaking; cocc.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; on stamping; bar-c.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; as of a steel spring; grat.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; when stepping heavily; led., 2lyc., nux-v., 2sil., 2spig.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; when striking foot against anything; sep.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; on stooping; berb.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; while talking; phos., verat.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; while walking; anac., 2ars., cic., cocc., hyos., led., 2lyc., mang., nux-v., sep., sil., spig., verb., viol-t.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; while walking; in open air; caust., 2nux-v.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; better warm room; nux-m., nux-v.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; better wrapping up warmly; nux-v.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; forehead; 2merc.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; back of head; sulph.
Head; movements in head; shaking sensation; temple; cocc., kali-c., stront.