Head; sensation of numbness; Forehead
View page in remedy finderHead; sensation of numbness; forehead; bapt., bar-c., brom., coll., dig., 2fl-ac., ham., 2mag-m., merc., 2mur-ac., nat-a., 2phos., 1plat., sil., valer.
Head; sensation of numbness; forehead; morning on waking and while lying better by exercise and wrapping head warmly; mag-m.
Head; sensation of numbness; forehead; evening; nat-a.
Head; sensation of numbness; forehead; as from being struck; plat.
Head; sensation of numbness; forehead; as if a board lay there; acon.
Head; sensation of numbness; forehead; warm room; plat.
Head; sensation of numbness; forehead; extending to nasal bone; 2plat.