Sleep; Disturbed
View page in remedy finderSleep; disturbed; acon., ail., 2apis., arn., 2ars., asaf., aster., bar-c., bell., cact., calad., 2calc-p., cob., coca., cupr-ar., dig., dirc., dulc., fago., form., 1graph., ham., hyos., kali-bi., kali-i., 2laur., lycps., merc., morph., naja., nat-a., nat-m., op., phys., plan., plb., puls., ran-b., sep., 1sulph., tab., vesp.
Sleep; disturbed; morning; sabin.
Sleep; disturbed; morning; 3 to 5 a.m.; cimic.
Sleep; disturbed; morning; 5 a.m.; ham.
Sleep; disturbed; before midnight; calc-p., phyt.
Sleep; disturbed; cyphers in front of eyes; ph-ac.
Sleep; disturbed; by dreams; acon., agar., ambr., arn., 2ars., atro., bell., benz-ac., bry., cact., calc-p., carb-s., carl., cham., cimic., coc-c., coloc., crot-t., cupr., 2cycl., dig., dulc., euphr., ferr-i., 2ferr., gamb., glon., 2graph., hell., ign., 2laur., lyc., lyss., mag-c., mag-s., merc., mur-ac., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., op., paeon., par., plb., psor., ptel., rhod., sin-n., sol-n., spig., 2spong., sulph., tab., valer.
Sleep; disturbed; by sudden, violent releases of emotion; alumn.
Sleep; disturbed; by heat; cycl., hep., kali-c., paeon., sol-t-ae.
Sleep; disturbed; by hunger; abies-n., chin., ign., lyc., teucr.
Sleep; disturbed; before period; 2alum.
Sleep; disturbed; by visions; acon., alum., apis., 2arg-n., 2arn., bell., 2calc., 2carb-an., carb-v., chin., coff., ign., lach., led., lyc., merc., ph-ac., phos., rhus-t., sil., spong., sulph., thuj.
Sleep; disturbed; by visions; on closing the eyes; apis., 2calc., lach., led., lyc., spong., 2thuj.
Sleep; disturbed; by visions; dreadful; bell., calc., 2carb-an., carb-v., merc., 2nux-v., sil., sulph.
Sleep; disturbed; by sexual images; calc.