Sleep; Interrupted
View page in remedy finderSleep; interrupted; acet-ac., acon., agar., 2alum., am-c., ambr., ant-t., ars., cact., cann-i., canth., chin-a., chlol., coc-c., coca., cocc., con., cycl., dig., dulc., equis., euphr., ferr., form., hura., ip., kali-c., lach., lyc., merc-c., merc., morph., myric., naja., nat-m., nit-ac., op., par., petr., ph-ac., phos., ptel., ran-s., rumx., sil., 2stram., sulph., tab., thuj., zinc.
Sleep; interrupted; after midnight; lyc., nat-m., ran-s.
Sleep; interrupted; burning in veins; verat.
Sleep; interrupted; cramps in toes; carb-h.
Sleep; interrupted; emission; petr.
Sleep; interrupted; jerking in limbs; sumb.
Sleep; interrupted; during period; am-c.
Sleep; interrupted; oppression of chest; seneg.
Sleep; interrupted; by sensation of heat; 2bar-c.
Sleep; interrupted; by thirst; nat-m.
Sleep; interrupted; toothache; cast.