Sleep; Position
View page in remedy finderSleep; position; on front; acet-ac., ars., 2bell., bry., calc-p., calc., cina., cocc., 2coloc., crot-t., ign., lac-c., podo., puls., stann., 2stram.
Sleep; position; on front; with one arm under the head; cocc.
Sleep; position; arms over head; calc., chin., coloc., eupho., ferr-ma., 2lac-c., med., nit-ac., 2nux-v., plat., 1puls., rheum., ruta., sulph., thuj., verat., viol-o.
Sleep; position; arms under head; acon., ambr., ant-t., ars., bell., cocc., coloc., ign., meny., 2nux-v., plat., 2puls., rhus-t., sabad., spig., viol-o.
Sleep; position; arms on abdomen; cocc., 1puls.
Sleep; position; On back
Sleep; position; curled up like a dog; ars., bapt., bry.
Sleep; position; head tilted forwards; acon., cic., cupr., staph., viol-o.
Sleep; position; head tilted backwards; 2bell., chin., cic., 2cina., cupr., dig., hep., hyos., ign., 2nux-v., sep., 2spong., stann., viol-t.
Sleep; position; head inclined forwards; low; arn., cadm., 2dig., hep., 2nux-v., sil., 2spong., sulph., zinc.
Sleep; position; head inclined forwards; to one side; cina., spong., tarax.
Sleep; position; on the knees, with face forced into pillow; med.
Sleep; position; knees bent; ambr., viol-o.
Sleep; position; kneeling; stram.
Sleep; position; limbs crossed; rhod.
Sleep; position; limbs pulled up; anac., 2carb-v., 2cham., chin., 2hell., 2lac-c., mang., meny., 1merc-c., nat-m., op., ox-ac., 2plat., plb., 2puls., rhod., 2stram., viol-o.
Sleep; position; limbs spread apart; 2cham., mag-c., nux-v., plat., puls., viol-o.
Sleep; position; limbs stretched out; agar., bell., cham., chin., dulc., plat., 2puls., rhus-t.
Sleep; position; one limb stretched out, the other pulled up; lac-c., stann.
Sleep; position; inclined to have limbs uncovered; plat.
Sleep; position; lying down impossible; 2cham., lyc., sulph.
Sleep; position; on side; acon., alum., 1bar-c., bor., caust., 2colch., ferr., kali-n., merc., mosch., nat-c., nux-v., 2phos., ran-b., sabad., sabin., spig., sulph.
Sleep; position; on side; right; ail., lach., 1phos.
Sleep; position; on side; left; bar-c., bor., mag-m., sabin.
Sleep; position; impossible to sleep lying on side; acon., aur., ferr., 2merc., mosch., phos., ran-b., rhus-t., sabad., sulph.
Sleep; position; impossible to sleep lying on side; right side impossible; bor., bry., psor.
Sleep; position; impossible to sleep lying on side; left side impossible; 2cocc., colch., 2lach., lyc., 1phos.
Sleep; position; sitting; 2ars., bar-c., bell., cann-s., caps., carb-v., chin., cic., 2cina., dig., hep., 2kali-c., kali-n., 2lyc., phos., puls., 2rhus-t., sabin., spig., 2sulph.