Chill; Afternoon
View page in remedy finderChill; afternoon; acon., alum., am-c., anac., 2ang., ant-c., ant-t., 1apis., 2arg-m., arg-n., 2arn., 1ars., arum-t., 2asaf., bapt., bar-c., berb., 2bor., 2bry., canth., caps., 1carb-an., carb-s., cast., 2caust., cedr., 2chel., 1chin-a., 1chin-s., 1chin., cic., cimic., 2cina., 2cocc., colch., 2con., cop., croc., cur., dig., 2dros., elaps., eup-per., euphr., ferr-p., 1ferr., 1gels., 2graph., ip., 2kali-ar., kali-bi., kali-c., kali-i., kali-n., kali-p., kreos., 2lach., laur., 1lyc., mag-m., merl., nat-m., 2nit-ac., 1nux-v., op., ox-ac., petr., 2ph-ac., phos., plan., plb., podo., 2psor., 1puls., 2ran-b., 2rhus-t., 2sabad., sarr., 2sil., 2spig., 2staph., 2stram., 2sulph., 2thuj., verat., zinc.
Chill; afternoon; constantly increasing chilliness without subsequent heat or perspiration; lyc.
Chill; afternoon; after diarrhoea; ox-ac.
Chill; afternoon; after dinner; 1anac., bor., 2carb-an., caust., coc-c., colch., cycl., mag-m., merc., nit-ac., nux-v., puls., spig., 2sulph., thuj.
Chill; afternoon; following heat; nux-v., 1puls., stram.
Chill; afternoon; with sweat and heat at 5 p.m.; nux-v.
Chill; afternoon; lasting until falling asleep in the evening; graph.
Chill; afternoon; lasting 4 hours; nux-v.
Chill; afternoon; lasting until morning; canth., kali-i., sars.
Chill; afternoon; during period; nat-c., nat-m., 2nat-s.
Chill; afternoon; at first day of period; nat-m.
Chill; afternoon; with perspiration; dig., nat-m.
Chill; afternoon; with perspiration; cold; gels., sarr.
Chill; afternoon; after sleep; acon., 2bry., con., cycl., merc., sabad.
Chill; afternoon; violent chill with thirst and red face; 1ferr.
Chill; afternoon; after walking; graph.
Chill; afternoon; even in a warm room; mag-m., rhus-t.
Chill; afternoon; 3 p.m., lasting until bed time; puls.
Chill; afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m., with numb hands and feet icy cold at 7 p.m.; 2lyc.
Chill; afternoon; 4 to 8 p.m., with numb hands and feet icy cold at 7 p.m.; with icy coldness and goose bumps; nat-s.