Fever; Burning heat
View page in remedy finderFever; burning heat; 1acon., ant-t., 1apis., arn., 1ars., bapt., bar-c., bar-m., 1bell., bism-ox., 2bry., bufo., cact., canth., caps., carb-s., 2carb-v., 2cham., chel., chin-a., chin., 2chlor., 2cina., 2con., crot-h., cur., dig., 2dulc., 2elaps., 1gels., hell., 2hep., ign., ip., 2kali-ar., lach., 2lyc., mag-c., manc., 2med., 2merc-c., merc., mosch., mur-ac., nat-m., nit-ac., 2nux-v., 1op., petr., 1phos., plb., 1puls., 2rhus-t., sabin., 2samb., sarr., 2sec., 2spong., stann., staph., stram., sulph., 2tarent., thuj., 1tub., verat.
Fever; burning heat; morning; ars., 2bry., 2cham., ign., nat-m., nux-v., rhus-t., sulph., thuj.
Fever; burning heat; late morning; bry., lyc., 1nat-m., 2nux-v., 2phos., rhus-t., sulph., thuj., verat.
Fever; burning heat; late morning; 9 to 12 a.m.; 1cham.
Fever; burning heat; Afternoon
Fever; burning heat; evening; 2acon., agar., apis., 2ars., 1bell., berb., 2bry., 2carb-v., 2cham., cina., hell., hep., 2hyos., ign., ip., 1lyc., 2merc-c., mosch., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., 1phos., 1puls., 1rhus-t., staph., sulph., thuj., verat.
Fever; burning heat; Night
Fever; burning heat; alternating with chill; 2laur.
Fever; burning heat; alternating with chill; with chilliness; 1bell.
Fever; burning heat; with swollen blood vessels; aloe., 2bell., chin-s., 1chin., cycl., dig., ferr., 2hyos., 2led., 1merl., 2puls., sars.
Fever; burning heat; dry, burning heat, extending from head, and face, with thirst for cold drinks; 2acon.
Fever; burning heat; except head and face, which are covered with sweat; stram.
Fever; burning heat; furious, with delirium; 1bell., canth., 1stram., verat.
Fever; burning heat; heat, outside, cold inside; 1ars.
Fever; burning heat; increased by walking in open air; chin.
Fever; burning heat; mostly internal, blood seems to burn; in the veins; 1ars., 2bry., 2med., 1rhus-t.
Fever; burning heat; mostly internal, blood seems to burn; in particular parts; mez.
Fever; burning heat; interrupted with shaking chills, then internal burning heat with great thirst; sec.
Fever; burning heat; lasting all day; chin., thuj.
Fever; burning heat; parts lain on; lyss., manc.
Fever; burning heat; with pricking over the whole body; 1chin., gels.
Fever; burning heat; during sleep; gins., 1samb., thuj.
Fever; burning heat; sparks; alum., ant-c., led., lyc., mez., sec., 2sulph.
Fever; burning heat; in one spot, which is cold to the touch; 2arn.
Fever; burning heat; in single spots; sel.
Fever; burning heat; spreading from the hands over the whole body; 1chel.
Fever; burning heat; with stinging sensations; 2apis., merc-c.
Fever; burning heat; even when bathed in sweat, with red face; op.
Fever; burning heat; with thirst for cold drinks; 2acon., 1phos.
Fever; burning heat; with thirst for cold drinks; and desire to be covered; manc.
Fever; burning heat; with thirst for cold drinks; with unquenchable thirst; 1ars., bell., colch., hep., 1phos.
Fever; burning heat; body turning hot internally and externally; 1bell.