Perspiration; Single parts
View page in remedy finderPerspiration; single parts; 2acon., 2ambr., ars., bar-c., bell., 2bry., 2calc-p., 1calc., cann-s., caps., 1caust., 2cham., chin., hell., hep., 1ign., ip., 2led., 2lyc., merc., 1mez., nux-v., par., 2petr., 2psor., 1puls., 2pyrog., rhus-t., 2sel., 1sep., 2sil., 2spig., spong., 2stann., 2sulph., 2thuj., 2tub., verat., zinc.
Perspiration; single parts; front of body; agar., 1arg-m., arn., 2calc., canth., 1cocc., 2graph., kali-n., merc., nux-v., 1phos., 1sel.
Perspiration; single parts; lower part of body; am-c., am-m., apis., ars., cinnb., coloc., 1croc., cycl., eupho., 2hyos., mang., merc., nit-ac., sep., thuj.
Perspiration; single parts; parts lain on; 2acon., 2bell., bry., 1chin., 1nit-ac., nux-v., puls., 2sanic.
Perspiration; single parts; parts not lain on; 2benz., thuj.
Perspiration; single parts; upper body; arg-m., 1asar., berb., camph., 2carb-v., 2cham., chin., cina., dig., dulc., eup-per., fl-ac., ip., 1kali-c., laur., 2nit-ac., nux-v., 1op., 1par., 2rheum., 2sec., sep., sil., spig., sul-ac., thuj., valer., verat.
Perspiration; single parts; upper body; before sleep; berb.