Skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; Painful boil, shedding skin and tissues (carbuncle)
View page in remedy finderSkin; out-breaks on skin; boils; painful boil, shedding skin and tissues; agar., ant-t., 2anthr., 2apis., 2arn., 1ars., 1bell., 2bufo., caps., carb-an., coloc., 2crot-c., 2crot-h., 2echi., 2hep., 2hyos., 2lach., mur-ac., nit-ac., 2phyt., pic-ac., 2rhus-t., 2sec., 1sil., 2sulph., 2tarent-c.
Skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; painful boil, shedding skin and tissues; burning; 2anthr., 2apis., 2ars., coloc., 2crot-c., crot-h., hep., 1tarent-c.
Skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; painful boil, shedding skin and tissues; purple, with small , fluid filled, cysts around; 2crot-c., 1lach.
Skin; out-breaks on skin; boils; painful boil, shedding skin and tissues; stinging; 1apis., carb-an., 2nit-ac.