Injuries and accidents; Wounds
View page in remedy finderInjuries and accidents; wounds; 2apis., 2arn., bor., carb-v., cic., con., croc., hep., iod., kreos., 2lach., 1led., merc., mez., nat-c., nat-m., nit-ac., ph-ac., 2phos., plb., 2puls., rhus-t., ruta., seneg., sil., 2staph., 2sul-ac., sulph., zinc.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; bites of poisonous animals; 2apis., arn., 2ars., aur., bell., calad., 2cedr., 2echi., hyper., 2lach., 1led., seneg., stram., sul-ac.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; bleeding freely; aran., 2arn., 2carb-v., cench., croc., crot-h., ferr., hep., 2kreos., 1lach., merc., mill., nat-m., ph-ac., 1phos., puls., rhus-t., sul-ac., 2sulph., 2zinc.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; become cold; 2led.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; effects of wounds on other parts; arn., carb-v., con., hep., 2iod., 2lach., 1led., nat-m., 2nit-ac., 2phos., puls., rhus-t., 2staph., 2sul-ac., zinc.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; crushed and lacerated finger ends; 1hyper., 2led.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; cuts; 2arn., led., merc., nat-c., ph-ac., sil., 1staph., 2sul-ac., sulph.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; dissecting; 2anthr., 2apis., 2ars., 2lach., led., 2pyrog.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; slow to heal; alum., am-c., 2bar-c., 2bor., 2calc., 2carb-v., caust., 2cham., chel., con., crot-h., 2graph., 1hep., kali-c., 1lach., lyc., mag-c., mang., 2merc-c., 2merc., mur-ac., 1nit-ac., 1petr., ph-ac., phos., plb., puls., 2rhus-t., sep., 1sil., 2staph., 1sulph.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; painful; 2apis., 1hyper., led., nat-m., 2nit-ac., nux-v., 1staph., sulph.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; penetrating wounds; 1apis., 2carb-v., cic., hep., 2hyper., 1led., 1nit-ac., plb., sil., sulph.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; penetrating wounds; of palms and soles; 1hyper., 1led.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; from splinters; acon., 2apis., 2arn., 2carb-v., 1cic., colch., 2hep., 1hyper., lach., 2led., 2nit-ac., petr., plat., ran-b., 2sil., 2staph., sulph.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; stab wounds; 2apis., arn., carb-v., cic., lach., nit-ac., sil., 2staph.
Injuries and accidents; wounds; stinging in wounds; acon., 2apis., arn., bar-c., bry., caust., 2led., merc., nat-c., 2nit-ac., 2staph., sulph.