Generalities; convulsions; With falling
View page in remedy finderGeneralities; convulsions; with falling; 2agar., alum., am-c., 2ars., 2aster., 1bell., 2calc-p., 2calc., canth., 2caust., 2cedr., 1cham., cic., cina., cocc., 2con., 1cupr., dig., dulc., 1hyos., ign., iod., ip., laur., lyc., merc., nit-ac., 1oena., op., petr., ph-ac., phos., plb., sec., sep., sil., 2stann., staph., 2stram., sulph., verat., zinc.
Generalities; convulsions; with falling; backwards; 2bell., canth., chin., cic., 2ign., 2ip., nux-v., 2oena., 1op., rhus-t., spig., 2stram.
Generalities; convulsions; with falling; forward; arn., 2aster., calc-p., canth., cic., cupr., ferr., rhus-t., sil., sulph., sumb.
Generalities; convulsions; with falling; right side; bell.
Generalities; convulsions; with falling; runs in a circle to right; 2caust.
Generalities; convulsions; with falling; left side; bell., caust., lach., sabad.