Generalities; twitching; Twitching, involuntary movements (chorea)
View page in remedy finderGeneralities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; acon., 1agar., 2ant-t., apis., 2arg-n., ars-i., 2ars., 1art-v., 2asaf., aster., 2bell., 2bufo., 2cact., 1calc., caul., 1caust., cedr., 2cham., 2chel., 1chin., chlol., 1cic., 1cimic., 1cina., 2cocc., coff., con., 2croc., 2crot-c., crot-h., 2cupr-ar., 1cupr., cypr., 2dios., dulc., ferr-ar., 2ferr-i., 2ferr., form., 2hipp., 2hyos., 1ign., 2iod., ip., kali-ar., 2kali-br., kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., 2lach., laur., 2lil-t., 2mag-p., merc., mez., 1mygal., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 2nux-v., 2op., ph-ac., 2phos., plat., plb., psor., 2puls., rhod., 2rhus-t., sabin., 2samb., 2sec., 2sep., 2sil., 2stann., 1stram., 2sulph., 1tarent., thuj., verat-v., visc., 2zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; right side; 2ars., 2caust., 2nat-s., phys., 2tarent.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; left side; 2cimic., 2cupr., rhod.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; daytime; art-v., tarent.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; morning; mygal.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; afternoon; 2nat-s.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; worse evening; 2zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; night; 2arg-n., caust.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; begins in face and spreads to body; 2sec.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; children who have grown too fast; phos.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; after sexual intercourse; 2agar., 2cedr.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; after a cold bath; 2rhus-t.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; after dinner; zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; dry weather; 2caust.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; after eating; ign.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; emotional; agar., 2ign., 2laur., 2op., 2phos.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; better exercise; 2zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; from fright; acon., agar., 2calc., 1caust., cupr., 2gels., 2ign., 2kali-br., 2laur., 2nat-m., 2op., phos., 2stram., 2zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; after grief; ign.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; from imitation; 2caust., 2cupr., mygal., 2tarent.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; dehydration; 2chin.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; better lying on back; 2cupr., 2ign.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; during period; 1zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; from masturbation; 2calc., chin.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; one sided; 2calc., 2cocc., 2cupr., nat-s., phys.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; one sided; side lain on; cimic.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; periodic; 2cupr., nat-s.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; during pregnancy; 2caust., 2cupr.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; when resting; 2zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; rheumatic; 1caust., 2cimic., kali-i., 2rhus-t., stict.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; must run or jump, cannot walk; bufo., kali-br., nat-m.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; better sleep; 1agar., hell., ziz.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; spinal; asaf., cic., cocc., cupr., mygal., nux-v.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; from suppressed out-breaks on skin; 2caust., 1sulph., zinc.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; when thinking of it; 2caust.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; before thunderstorm; 2agar., 2rhod., sep.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; during thunderstorm; 2phos.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; after getting wet; 2rhus-t.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; from worms; 2calc., 2cina.
Generalities; twitching; twitching, involuntary movements; worse wine; 2zinc.