Generalities; weakness; Afternoon
View page in remedy finderGeneralities; weakness; afternoon; acon., aeth., 2alet., am-c., amyg., anac., apis., arg-n., aur., bell., brom., 2bry., cast., cinch., coc-c., coca., coloc., com., erig., fago., ferr., 2gels., glon., ham., helon., hydr-ac., hyos., ign., iris., lyc., lycps., mag-c., merl., mez., mur-ac., nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-v., phys., phyt., ptel., rhus-t., ruta., sang., 2sil., staph., stram., stry., 1sulph., thuj., zinc., zing.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; after sleep; chin-s., ferr., gels.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; while walking; lyc., mag-c., pic-ac., ran-b.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; after walking; ery-a., eupho., hyper.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 1 p.m.; ferr-p., phys., pic-ac., verat-v.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 1-30 p.m.; lyc.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 2 p.m.; chel., gels., nux-v., sulph.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 2 p.m.; to 3 p.m.; sulph.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 2 p.m.; to 4 p.m.; ign.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 3 p.m.; 2ham., mag-c., nat-s.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 4 p.m.; caust., hydr., iris., lyc., mang., merc-i-f., phys.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 5 p.m.; coff., colch., lyc.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 5 p.m.; to 5 a.m.; tarent.
Generalities; weakness; afternoon; 5 p.m.; or 6 p.m.; merc.