Head; pain, headache; in forehead; On movement
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; acon., agn., ang., ant-t., 2ars., atro., aur-m., aur., 1bell., bism-ox., bov., 1bry., 2calc., canth., 2chel., cimic., cinnb., cupr-ar., cupr., cycl., dig., dulc., fago., ferr-i., 1glon., graph., ign., iod., kali-bi., 2kali-c., 2lac-d., 2lach., lyc., mag-c., meli., meny., mosch., nat-c., nat-p., 2nux-v., ph-ac., phys., rhod., rob., rumx., sabad., 2sang., sep., 2sil., sol-n., 2spig., 1sulph., tab., 2ther.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; rapid movement; dros., nat-m.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; movement of the eyes; 2bad., bapt., bell., bry., chel., chin-s., cimic., dros., gels., 2hep., ign., jug-r., kali-c., mur-ac., 2pic-ac., puls., rhus-t., sil., spig., valer.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; movement of eye lids; 2bry., coloc.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; movement of hands; coc-c.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; when turning head; canth., chin-s., coc-c., gels., glon., 2nat-m., ph-ac., phos., rhod.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; when turning head; quickly; ign., 1nat-c., ph-ac.
Head; pain, headache; in forehead; on movement; when turning head; to right; aeth.