Head; pain, headache; top of head; On certain movements
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; top of head; on certain movements; alum., alumn., aur., 2bell., calc-p., canth., 2chin., echi., 2ferr., glon., ip., iris., lach., lob., lyss., mez., 2ox-ac., ph-ac., phyt., sep., spig., thuj., verat.
Head; pain, headache; top of head; on certain movements; on moving the eyes; sep.
Head; pain, headache; top of head; on certain movements; on moving the head; alum.
Head; pain, headache; top of head; on certain movements; stooping; acon., alum., alumn., am-m., berb., calc-p., calc., coloc., elaps., glon., helon., iris., kreos., lyc., lyss., meny., nux-m.
Head; pain, headache; top of head; on certain movements; rising from a seat; cob.