Head; pain, headache; bursting; Top of head (vertex)
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; 2am-c., am-m., bapt., calc., 1carb-an., 2cimic., 2ferr., graph., 2hyper., lact-ac., 2nat-s., nit-ac., 1sil., spig., spong., stront., xan.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; morning; am-m.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; afternoon, while walking; stront.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; night; carb-an.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; better binding up head; 1sil.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; as if blown off; cham.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; on coughing; sanic.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; as if would fly off; cimic.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; as if forced apart; kali-i., lac-d., nux-v., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; while walking; stront.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; wet weather; carb-an.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; pain as if top of head would come off; alum., bapt., cact., cann-s., cham., cimic., cob., cupr-s., lith., merc., sang., ther.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; pain as if top of head would come off; at every jar; cob., merc.
Head; pain, headache; bursting; top of head; pain as if top of head would come off; straining at stool; ind.