Repertory listing

Head; pain, headache; pulling; forehead; Above eyes

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Head; pain, headache; pulling; forehead; above eyes; 2agar., asaf., bry., calc., 2cann-i., carb-an., 2chel., colch., con., 2ign., lyss., nat-m., nit-ac., 2puls., seneg., spig., sulph., thuj., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; forehead; above eyes; right; aur., dulc., ign., lyss.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; forehead; above eyes; left; chel., nat-m., spig., thuj.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; forehead; above eyes; feel as if eyes projecting, with sensation as if a thread were tightly pulled through eyeball and backward into middle of brain, sight weak; 1par.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; forehead; above eyes; mental exertion; calc.