Repertory listing

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; Sides of back

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Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; alum., aur-m-n., 2carb-v., 2chel., chin., 2fl-ac., kali-n., kali-s., laur., mez., nat-s., phos., sep., thuj., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; right; alum., caust., nat-c., rhod.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; left; calc., 2carb-v., 2chel., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; late morning; alum., sulph.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; alternating with similar sensation in the ball of thumb; arg-m.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; better bending head backward; chin.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; cramp-like; kali-n., 2sulph.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; as if head would be pulled back; nat-c.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; comes on suddenly; rhod.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; pressing; 2chin., 2spig.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; rheumatic; coff.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; warm room; zing.

Head; pain, headache; pulling; back of head; sides of back; extending from left to right; 2squil.