Head; pain, headache; pulling; Top of head (vertex)
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; pulling; top of head; anac., ant-t., arg-m., 2arn., ars., bov., 2calc-p., 2calc., caust., 2chel., cinnb., crot-h., dulc., grat., hell., indg., iod., 2kali-c., kali-p., led., nux-m., nux-v., ol-an., ph-ac., phos., ran-b., ran-s., ruta., sars., spig., spong., stann., til., zinc.
Head; pain, headache; pulling; top of head; morning; hell.
Head; pain, headache; pulling; top of head; evening; bov., crot-h., dulc., ol-an.
Head; pain, headache; pulling; top of head; evening; before going to bed; cinnb.
Head; pain, headache; pulling; top of head; while walking; chel.
Head; pain, headache; pulling; top of head; Extending to other parts