Head; pain, headache; shooting; Side
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; shooting; side; acon., aesc., aeth., agar., aloe., alum., am-c., am-m., anac., arg-n., bar-c., calc., camph., canth., caust., cham., 2chel., cocc., con., 2ferr., fl-ac., iris., kali-c., lach., lil-t., mag-c., mag-m., mang., meny., nat-m., phos., phys., plan., 2prun-s., rumx., sabin., sars., stann., tarent.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; right; lil-t., mag-c., plan., stann.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; left; canth., 2cinnb., 2ferr., tarent.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; left; then right; aesc.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; left; while talking; canth.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; night; tarent.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; during cough; mang.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; lain on; mag-c.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; periodical; 2chel.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; extending to half of right hand; phos.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; extending to eye; 2prun-s.
Head; pain, headache; shooting; side; extending to root of nose; phos.