Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; Forehead
View page in remedy finderHead; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; acon., ang., ant-t., apis., 2arn., ars., bapt., bufo., canth., carb-an., cob., coff., 2coloc., cupr-ar., 2eupho., gels., glon., 2hep., hipp., hydr., indg., iod., lach., lil-t., lyc., mag-s., merc-i-f., merc., mur-ac., nat-a., nat-c., nat-m., 2par., ph-ac., plan., plat., podo., prun-s., 1puls., ran-b., 2rumx., sang., sarr., 1sil., sol-n., spig., spong., stann., sul-ac., sulph., tell., teucr., thuj., zinc., ziz.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; daytime; sil.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; morning; cob., hep., sil.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; morning; on waking; hep., sol-n.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; morning; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; mur-ac.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; late morning; mag-s.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; midnight till morning; hep.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; breaking sensation after dinner; nat-s.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; mental exertion; ph-ac., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; worse movement; cupr-ar., hep.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; moving eyes; hep.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; better sleep; thuj.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; in spots; par.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; as if on surface of brain; ph-ac.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; as after violent blow; arn., chel., sol-n., sul-ac.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; on waking; hep., thuj.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; above eyebrows; arn., lach., plan.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; above eyes; cann-i., gels., 2kali-c., plan., 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; above eyes; worse opening eyes; 2sil.
Head; pain, headache; sore bruised, sensitive to pressure; forehead; above nose; carb-an.