Repertory listing

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; Side of forehead

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Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; 2agn., arg-n., arum-t., aur., bov., camph., 2carb-an., caust., coloc., eupho., grat., kali-i., lachn., 2lyc., 2lyss., 2mag-m., mang., 2meny., 2merc., mez., nat-s., nuph., ol-an., 2puls., seneg., 2stann., staph., til., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; right; 2carb-an., 2lyc., 2meny., nux-v., puls., 2stann., zinc.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; left; aur., eupho., kali-c., 2merc., 2zinc.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; morning; ol-an.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; evening; sul-ac.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; evening; 4 p.m.; mag-c.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; during period; nat-c.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; worse movement; aur., eupho.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; while sitting; aeth., cast.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; extending to cheek; lachn.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; extending to eyebrow; 2lyc.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; extending to root of nose; 2lyc.

Head; pain, headache; tearing, rending; forehead; side of forehead; extending to temples; kalm., mez.