Eye; Coldness
View page in remedy finderEye; coldness; aesc., alum., am-c., ambr., amyg., 2arg-n., asaf., asar., berb., bufo., 2calc-p., 2calc., chlor., 2con., croc., euphr., eupi., 2fl-ac., form., graph., 2kali-c., lachn., lith., 2lyc., med., par., 2phyt., 2plat., plb., raph., seneg., sep., sil., spig., spong., squil., stram., sulph., syph., 2thuj.
Eye; coldness; left; tarent.
Eye; coldness; evening; lyc.
Eye; coldness; as if cold air blew in; asaf., berb., cinnb., 2croc., 2fl-ac., med., sep., sulph., syph., 2thuj.
Eye; coldness; in the painful eye; 2thuj.
Eye; coldness; walking in open air; alum., con., sil., squil.
Eye; coldness; walking in cold wind; 2squil.
Eye; coldness; back of eyes; calc-p.
Eye; coldness; corner; asaf., euphr., lith.
Eye; coldness; lids; brom., hura., 2kali-c., ph-ac.
Eye; coldness; lids; edges of; kali-c.
Eye; coldness; lids; edges of; on closing eyes; ph-ac.