Eye; cornea; Spots and specks, on cornea
View page in remedy finderEye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; agar., alumn., 1apis., 2ars., 2aur., bar-c., bell., 2cadm., 2calc-f., 2calc-p., 1calc., cann-s., 2caust., 2chel., cina., 2colch., 1con., cupr., 2euphr., 2form., 2hep., kali-ar., 2kali-c., kali-s., lyc., 2merc., 2nat-m., 2nit-ac., nux-v., phos., psor., 2puls., rhus-t., 2ruta., 2seneg., sep., 2sil., spong., 2sulph., 2syph., thuj.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; bluish; 2colch.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; brown; agar.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; scars; 2apis., 2ars., cadm., con., euphr., kali-chl., 2merc., 2sil.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; wet spots in outer corner, pain if sweat touches them; 2ant-c.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; white spots in corner; colch.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; yellow in white of eyes; agar., ph-ac.
Eye; cornea; spots and specks, on cornea; yellow in white of eyes; marked by a network of blood vessels on cornea; 1aur.