Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; Corner
View page in remedy finderEye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; ant-c., bell., berb., bism-ox., dig., eupho., kali-bi., nat-c., nat-m., 2nux-v., pic-ac., psor.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; morning; ant-c., calc-p., 2cham., ruta.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; dry; calc., caust., cham., euphr., grat., 2hell., nit-ac., viol-t.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; dry; morning; lyc.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; Hard
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; inner; agar., mag-s., nicc., phos., 1puls., staph., 2stram., 2verat-v., 2zinc.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; inner; morning; nicc., phos., 1puls., staph., zinc.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; inner; during period; mag-c.
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; Outer
Eye; discharges of mucus or pus; corner; from tear duct; ars., arum-t., 2con., 2hep., iod., 2merc., 2nat-m., 1petr., 2puls., 2sil., stann., 2sulph.