Eye; Sensation of enlargement
View page in remedy finderEye; sensation of enlargement; 1acon., ant-c., 2ars., benz-n., bufo-s., calad., calc-p., caps., caust., chel., chlol., chlor., cimic., colch., 2com., con., 2daph., hyos., kali-ar., lach., 2lyc., 2mez., nat-a., 1nat-m., onos., 2op., 1par., ph-ac., 2phos., 2plb., rhus-t., seneg., 1spig., stram., tril.
Eye; sensation of enlargement; right feels larger than left; 1com.
Eye; sensation of enlargement; morning; nat-a.
Eye; sensation of enlargement; evening; am-br.
Eye; sensation of enlargement; night; chr-ac.
Eye; sensation of enlargement; night; worse gaslight; sulph.