Eye; inflammation; wounds; Corner
View page in remedy finderEye; inflammation; wounds; corner; am-c., apis., 1arg-n., 2bor., bufo., calc-s., 2calc., clem., 2graph., kali-c., mag-c., merc., nat-c., sulph., zinc.
Eye; inflammation; wounds; corner; worse morning; 2nux-v.
Eye; inflammation; wounds; corner; with ulceration; 2apis., bufo., 2kali-c., zinc.
Eye; inflammation; wounds; corner; inner; 2agar., 2bor., 2clem., 2nux-v., petr.
Eye; inflammation; wounds; corner; outer; 2bor., 1graph., 2kali-c.
Eye; inflammation; wounds; corner; outer; with ulceration; 2calc-ac., upa.