Eye; Itching
View page in remedy finderEye; itching; absin., acon., 2agar., 2all-c., 2alum., am-m., anan., 2ant-c., 2apis., 2arg-m., 2arg-n., arund., asc-t., aspar., aur-m., aur., 2bar-c., bar-m., bell., berb., bor., bry., bufo., calc-p., calc-s., 2calc., cann-s., canth., carb-an., 2carb-v., casc., 2caust., chim., chin., clem., coloc., cop., cupr., cycl., elaps., eug., 2euphr., fago., ferr-i., ferr., gels., hep., hura., ign., iod., 2kali-bi., kali-n., kali-s., 2kalm., kreos., lach., lachn., lob., 2lyc., lyss., mag-c., 2mag-m., meph., merc-c., 2merc., 2mez., mosch., 2mur-ac., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nat-s., nicc., nit-ac., 2nux-v., ol-an., osm., paeon., pall., 2petr., ph-ac., 2phel., 2phos., phyt., 1puls., ran-b., rhod., rhus-t., ruta., sars., sep., sil., spig., stann., stram., stront., 1sulph., tarent., vesp., viol-t., 2zinc.
Eye; itching; Morning
Eye; itching; evening; 2acon., calc-p., calc., 2cupr., dios., erig., eug., eupho., ferr., 2gamb., mag-c., meph., 2merc-c., pall., phos., 1puls., sil., 1sulph., vesp.
Eye; itching; evening; not relieved by rubbing; pall.
Eye; itching; night; ars., sulph.
Eye; itching; better open air; 1puls.
Eye; itching; better cold application; 2puls.
Eye; itching; with running nose; caps.
Eye; itching; after dinner; mag-c.
Eye; itching; exertion of vision; 2rhus-t.
Eye; itching; worse gas-light; 2phyt.
Eye; itching; in house; ran-b.
Eye; itching; from light; anan.
Eye; itching; worse rubbing; 2kalm., kreos., sulph.
Eye; itching; better rubbing; agar., 2caust., 2euphr., mag-c., nat-c., 2nux-v., ol-an., spong., stram., sulph., zinc.
Eye; itching; warm bathing; 2mez.
Eye; itching; warm room; 2puls., 2sulph.
Eye; itching; corner; agar., 1alum., 2ant-c., 1arg-m., 2arg-n., arn., asc-t., 2aur., bell., benz-ac., berb., bor., 1calc., carb-v., 2caust., cina., cinnb., clem., 2con., crot-c., 2eupho., 2euphr., ferr-ma., 2fl-ac., 2gamb., iod., led., 2lyc., 2mosch., 2mur-ac., 2nat-m., nux-v., petr., prun-s., 2puls., ruta., sep., staph., 2stront., 2sulph., trom., zinc.
Eye; itching; evening; mag-c., puls.
Eye; itching; evening; worse open air; staph.
Eye; itching; evening; better open air; gamb.
Eye; itching; inner; 1alum., 2apis., 2aur., bor., calc., carb-v., 2caust., chel., cina., 2cinnb., clem., 2con., cycl., fl-ac., 2gamb., 2graph., grat., hyos., lach., laur., 2lyc., mag-c., 1mag-m., mez., 2nat-m., nit-ac., osm., phos., 2psor., 2puls., 2ruta., sep., stann., staph., 2stront., 2sulph., syph., tab., 2zinc.
Eye; itching; inner; morning; sep.
Eye; itching; inner; evening; dios., fl-ac., 2puls.
Eye; itching; outer; ant-c., aur-m., benz-ac., bry., carb-v., cinnb., com., euphr., fago., form., mez., 2nat-m., prun-s., rhus-t., sep., 2sulph., tarent., tax., upa.
Eye; itching; eyebrows; agar., agn., all-c., alum., ars., arund., berb., bry., caust., com., con., ferr., fl-ac., laur., manc., mez., nat-m., pall., par., rhod., sel., sil., spig., 1sulph., verat., viol-t.
Eye; itching; eyebrows; morning; nat-m.
Eye; itching; eyebrows; evening; all-c.
Eye; itching; around eyes; agn., apis., berb., 2carb-v., con., lach., lyc., pall., sars., til.
Eye; itching; Lids