Repertory listing

Eye; skin around eyes; Out-breaks on skin

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Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; agn., arn., 2ars., calc., carb-s., 2caust., con., crot-h., euphr., 2graph., 2hep., ign., kali-c., 2kali-s., merc-c., 1merc., olnd., petr., 2rhus-t., 2sel., sil., spong., 1staph., 1sulph., 2syph., thuj.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; boils; 2sil.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; fine; euphr.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; herpes; alum., bry., 2caust., 2con., kreos., lach., olnd., spong., sulph.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; herpes; cornea; 2graph., 2hep., ign.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; pimples; 1hep., merc.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; rash; sulph.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; above the eyes; ran-b.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; above the eyes; small blue-black, fluid filled, cysts; ran-b.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; below eyes; dulc., guai., sel., thuj.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; corner; lact., syph.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; corner; outer; tax.

Eye; skin around eyes; out-breaks on skin; corner; inner, crusts; clem.