Eye; Swellings
View page in remedy finderEye; swellings; 2acon., 1anac., 1apis., 2ars., atro., bapt., bar-c., 2bry., bufo., cann-i., carb-v., card-m., 2cedr., 2cham., 1chlol., coloc., croc., dulc., ery-a., fago., ferr-ar., ferr., gels., 1guai., 2hep., hura., 2ign., 2ip., jug-c., 2kali-c., kali-i., kali-p., lach., lyc., 2mag-c., mang., merc., 2nat-a., 2nit-ac., 2nux-v., oena., ol-j., par., phos., phys., plb., psor., puls., pyrog., raph., 1rhus-t., sars., 1sep., spig., 2stram., stry., til., vesp.
Eye; swellings; right; 2lyc.
Eye; swellings; left; 2coloc.
Eye; swellings; morning; bar-c., bry., 1cham., cocc., 2crot-h., cupr., myric., naja., sarr., 1sep., sil., 1sulph., uran.
Eye; swellings; morning; after headache; coc-c.
Eye; swellings; morning; on waking; chel., kali-bi., mag-c., nat-a., nicc.
Eye; swellings; late morning; bry., 2euphr., myric.
Eye; swellings; evening; 2hep., sep.
Eye; swellings; night; 2hep.
Eye; swellings; sensation of swelling; bapt., calc-p., calc., cann-i., caust., 1guai., ham., mag-c., nat-a., phys., rhus-t., sarr., thuj.
Eye; swellings; corner; agar., aur., bell., bry., 1calc., merc., petr., sars., sil., stann.
Eye; swellings; corner; inner; calc-p., petr., sars., sep.
Eye; swellings; glandular swellings; aeth., 2am-br., 2apis., ars., 2aur., bell., 1calc., 2cann-s., 1caust., 2cham., 2chin-a., cist., 2con., 2dulc., 1euphr., ferr., 1graph., 2hep., 2mag-c., merc., nat-m., 2nux-v., 1puls., rhus-t., 1sulph., zinc.
Eye; swellings; painful boil, shedding skin and tissues; agar., 1arg-n., cann-i., 2kali-c., zinc.
Eye; swellings; conjunctiva; 2apis., 2arg-n., 2ars., bell., bry., cadm., cedr., cham., 2chel., chlol., eupho., 2graph., 2ip., led., nat-a., 2nat-c., nat-m., nux-v., sep.
Eye; swellings; conjunctiva; skin-like; 2calc., 2nat-c., 2nat-m., thuj.
Eye; swellings; tear canal; apis., bell., brom., 2calc., 2nat-m., 1petr., 2sil.
Eye; swellings; tear gland; 2agar., anan., 2graph., kali-i., 1sil.
Eye; swellings; tear sac; 1puls., 1sil.
Eye; swellings; Lids
Eye; swellings; glands under eye lids; 2aeth., bor., 2clem., 2colch., 2con., hep., merc., nicc., 2phyt., sil., 2staph., 2sulph., thuj.