Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; Grey
View page in remedy finderVision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; objects seem; 2ars., camph., guare., nit-ac., 2nux-v., phal., 2phos., sep., 2sil., 2stram.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; black objects seem grey; 2stram.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; bluish-grey circle around light; lach.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; circles; lachn.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; covering before eyes; phos.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; fog; cic.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; halo; phos., sep.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; letters; stram.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; letters; change to round grey spots; calc-p.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; points; 2nux-v.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; grey point, in front of right eye, moving with eye; brom.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; reddish grey border around white things; 2stram.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; snake-like shapes; 1arg-n.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; spots; 2arg-n., calc-p., chlf., cic., lachn.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; spots; at a distance; nit-ac.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; grey; veil; 2apis., elaps.