Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; Red
View page in remedy finderVision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; 1bell., 2cact., carb-s., cedr., 1con., croc., 2dig., elaps., 2hep., 2hyos., 2kali-bi., lac-c., mag-m., 2nux-m., 1phos., sars., sep., spong., 2stront., sulph., tarent.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; night; cedr., chin., elaps., mag-m., spong.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; night; and yellow during day; cedr.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; circles; cact.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; circles; on rubbing; stront.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; circles; light seems to be; 2sulph.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; when closing eyes; elaps.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; fiery spots; elaps.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; halo; bell., com., 2ip., sil., verat-v.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; halo; around the lamplight; con.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; luminous appearance; 2phos., spong.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; masses; spig.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; objects seem red; atro., 1bell., carb-s., 1con., 2dig., 2hep., 2hyos., iodof., 2nux-m., 1phos., 2stront.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; obstructions on looking at the light; cond.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; paper looks red; croc.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; points; elaps.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; sparks; fl-ac., stry.
Vision; colours and shapes in front of eyes; colours; red; spots; elaps., hyos., lac-c., lyc.