Vision; Double vision
View page in remedy finderVision; double vision; aeth., agar., 2alumn., am-c., apis., 2arg-n., arn., art-v., atro., 1aur., bar-c., 2bell., bry., calc., cann-i., cann-s., carb-s., 2caust., 2chel., chlf., 2cic., clem., 2con., crot-h., cupr., 2cycl., 2daph., 2dig., eug., eupho., 1gels., ger., 2graph., 1hyos., 2iod., kali-bi., kali-c., 2kali-cy., kali-i., 2lyc., 2lyss., mag-p., med., 2merc-c., merc., 2morph., 1nat-m., 2nicc., 1nit-ac., nux-m., 2nux-v., 2olnd., op., par., petr., phys., phyt., 2plb., psor., 2puls., raph., rhus-t., sec., 2seneg., sep., 2spong., stann., 2stram., 2sulph., syph., tab., ter., ther., 2thuj., ust., 2verat., zinc.
Vision; double vision; morning; cycl., gels.
Vision; double vision; evening; agar., con., nit-ac., phyt.
Vision; double vision; night; nit-ac.
Vision; double vision; with convulsions; 2bell., cic., 2hyos., 2nux-v., 2stram.
Vision; double vision; distant objects; am-c., bell., nit-ac., plb.
Vision; double vision; with headache; 2gels.
Vision; double vision; of horizontal objects; 1nit-ac., olnd.
Vision; double vision; when inclining head to either side; gels.
Vision; double vision; when looking at light; ther.
Vision; double vision; When looking in certain way
Vision; double vision; better lying down; spong.
Vision; double vision; near objects; aur., bell., cic., con., nit-ac., phyt., stann., verat-v.
Vision; double vision; overwork at the desk; 2agar.
Vision; double vision; during pregnancy; bell., cic., 2gels.
Vision; double vision; when reading; agar., ant-t., arg-n., 2camph., 2graph., stram., thuj.
Vision; double vision; after tube or train journey; cupr.
Vision; double vision; after sleep; chlol., gels.
Vision; double vision; when standing erect and looking down; olnd.
Vision; double vision; on turning eyes to right; dig.
Vision; double vision; after vertigo, dizziness; bell.
Vision; double vision; while writing; coca., 2graph.