View page in remedy finderHearing; sounds seem distant; all-c., cann-i., cham., coca., eupi., 1lac-c., nux-m., peti., sol-n.
Hearing; sounds seem distant; voices seem; cann-i., coca., nitro-o.
Hearing; sounds seem distant; own voice seems; arn., cann-i.
Hearing; illusions of where sound comes from; absin., am-c., atro., carb-o., carb-s., carb-v., con., crot-h., elaps., eup-pur., hyos., kali-ar., med., stram., thea.
Hearing; illusions of where sound comes from; as if tone came from another world; 1carb-an.
Hearing; illusions of where sound comes from; sounds appear to come from left side when they really come from the right; 2nat-c.
Hearing; Impaired
Hearing; Lost, deafness
Hearing; Too sensitive