Nose; nose bleed; In women
View page in remedy finderNose; nose bleed; in women; with absence of menstruation; 2bry., 2cact., con., ham., lach., ol-j., 2phos., 2puls.
Nose; nose bleed; in women; before period; 2bar-c., 1lach., 2nat-s., 2puls., 2sulph., 2verat., vib.
Nose; nose bleed; in women; During period
Nose; nose bleed; in women; after period; sulph.
Nose; nose bleed; in women; instead of period; 2bry., graph., 2ham., 2lach.
Nose; nose bleed; in women; when period is suppressed; acon., bell., 1bry., 2cact., calc., 2con., 2croc., 2gels., ham., hyos., kali-i., 1lach., nit-ac., ol-j., 2phos., 1puls., 2rhus-t., 2sabin., 2sep.
Nose; nose bleed; in women; in young women; phos., 1sec.