Nose; odours, imaginary and real; Putrid
View page in remedy finderNose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; anthr., asaf., aur., bell., calc., cob., graph., 2kali-bi., kreos., mag-arct., meny., merc., 2nit-ac., par., phos., 1puls., seneg., sep., verat.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; morning on waking; kreos.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; on blowing nose; 2aur., kali-bi.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; bread and milk smell; par.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; eggs; aur., bell., 2calc., kali-bi., mag-arct., meny., merc., nux-v., phos., sep., 2sulph.
Nose; odours, imaginary and real; putrid; food and milk smell; 2nux-v., par.