Nose; pain; Extending to other parts
View page in remedy finderNose; pain; extending to other parts; downward from above; arn.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; brain like rays; 2sil.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; chin; chin.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; ears on swallowing; elaps.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; eyes; 1hep., lyc.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; eyebrows; inul.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; forehead; bufo., calc., kali-i., nat-s., sil.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; head; kali-bi., kali-i.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; cheek bone; kali-bi.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; neck; gels.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; back of head; kali-c.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; behind nostrils; bapt.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; root of nose; 2coloc., sang.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; root of nose along bone of eye socket, to external corner of left eye; kali-bi.
Nose; pain; extending to other parts; temples; kali-bi., mag-c.