Nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; Inside
View page in remedy finderNose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; acon., act-sp., ail., apis., 2ars., bar-c., bell., bry., carb-an., cocc., gels., hep., kali-bi., kali-c., 2kali-i., lach., 1merc., nux-v., petr., phel., phos., polyg-h., stann., 1sulph.
Nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; right; aur.
Nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; left; 2nat-m., stann.
Nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; bloody; 2kali-c.
Nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; behind nostrils; 2arg-n., phyt.
Nose; skin or lining of nose; discoloration; redness; inside; septum; alum., bor., bov., 2lil-t.